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For those of you that can could you please look at my previous Lucifer Reaction. I changed things up in the post. I would like to see how you feel about this as a solution for looking up past reactions without have to scroll through Patreon. If you can come back here and let me know what you think that would be amazing. You dont have to be someone that watches Lucifer just want to hear some feed back about how I posted it. 


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really love how you've posted your older reactions for Lucifer under the post's description along with the newest links too. If this works for you, I really think this works out great and would for every show! Thank you! Heidi


Hello! That definitely helps! I’m currently watching older reactions and that would be easier.


Im on my phone so idk about pc but i feel like the post is a little cluttered i think thats fine though cause thats gonna be a lot faster which is more important for me


I love it. That makes it so much easier to find previous episodes without having to scroll forever. Even if you specifically search you still have to scroll a lot. This solves that issue. If it's not too difficult then please keep it up with all shows!

Stefan Davis

I have no issues with it seems more sufficient and user friendly so that’s always a plus


It may take me a while but this would replace the way I was going to do the thing I did with Avatar since every episode would be in every post when I post the new ones.

Brad turner

This is smart. It's like cutting out the middle man. Like a playlist.

Mark Wood

I like (a lot), but how would you do previous seasons? Assume shows that would be a huge posting. O would you just keep those links only for whatever season its in. All season 1 for episodes in season 1, ect, ect.

Nikita Pascari

I think it's great, you could also post links to the whole season on finales and links to the whole previous season on premiers. That way you won't have to edit and include long lists in every post. And when you're done watching a show you can make a post like the one you did with Avatar, I think that was great.

Andrea Dcosta

Just out of context but pls let me know when will the stranger things reaction for this week go up?? Brian’s reaction. Waiting for it eagerly!!


Seems like a good solution to me!

Janeka Rector

This does work though at the rate you and your brothers are watching shows, you’re going to have storage issues. I have seen other reactors put time limits on the availability of a series. Maybe a year or 6 months and then cleared them out. To reserve room.

Scarlett Monrow

Not sure I understand how that will work. If I want to watch a reaction to Lucifer season 1, ep 8, will there be a link to that in ALL Lucifer episodes? Or will season 1 has only links to season 1 episodes? Why not just add tags like other reactors do? Instead of a tag "Lucifer (38)" we would have "Lucifer S1", "Lucifer S2" and the same with other shows.

Nicole Christie

That works if its going to be a pinned post with all the links for each show. If not I agree with Scarlett and why not just do a tag per season and or show

Sonia Deepak

Hm I can where you are going with this and it's a pretty good idea. I think this would work if you stick to only including the links for the current season you are in. For example you included all of the previous season 3 links which is great, but if you had included all the links for season 2 and 1 in the same post it I can see that becoming unscalable. But if you stick to one season it would be good. I would request that you continue tagging with the name of the show. Tags have always worked great for me. I agreed with the previous comment that tagging posts with the name of the show and then show and season tag would be helpful. For example the lucifer post would have a "Lucifer" tag and "Lucifer S3". The tags have always worked well for me when searching for older reactions. I have occasionally run into a case of the only reaction video link being broken. If this happens how would you like us to report it? I appreciate that you care enough about the user experience of your patreons that you're willing to ask for feedback.