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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



In Viking culture women had much more independence compared to that of European kingdoms where women were under guardianship whether by their father, brother, uncle or even son. Viking women can fight, own property, and as we see they can even rule over the people. You have clearly defined the profile of Ragnar, he is a curious and intelligent man, it allows him to think other than like a normal Viking like Rollo who wants to go directly to fight instead of using strategy. But also, learning the customs of his enemies allows him to understand them and know how they think, how to beat them, and the meeting of the two cultures allows a more modern evolution of that Vikings culture, as we see it with the swords, they do not know how to create them, same with the writing that's why Floki burns the leaves of the books, they have oral and unwritten traditions, they are also very spiritual as with Lagertha who says that a God visited the house of the peasants and honored them with a child but they are harsh people, who do not live in meadows, it is a people who live on war and money or objects they acquire during a raid or of a victory, it is the law of the strongest and he who is strong wins everything. England is a country where the land allows proper agriculture for the people and therefore they have passed the stage of the Vikings of taking what they cannot own as they already have it, while the Vikings a lot to learn from agriculture to metallurgy, basically a lot and this meeting between the two cultures allows for mixing and exchange. I think of the first season of Vikings as an introduction to the Vikings culture, so we get to understand and know them. As you can see, they started out thinking there was no land in the west, Ragnar proved that was wrong, at first they were few, now Ragnar is an Earl but he is not a King, you will know more in the future about the hierarchy of the Vikings, but as we saw in this raid, there were more of them, and over time as the people evolve and grow, the possibility of going west will come to spread among the Viking land, you will see how this Viking people is transformed, they are going to be more eager now to fight. As for the king's brother, he based himself on the fact that he believed them to be savages, without the capacity to think and to make strategy, he made his quick look of the enemy camp, he never thought that the Vikings would be daring and smart enough to come and kill them right in their camp, they too have to learn from the Vikings, especially about war, as we see, the King does not fight, he orders and people obey because he is the King, appointed by God, according to the church, to reign, unlike the Vikings in whom a place with the Gods must be deserved by their prowess in war, their courage. This is why Ragnar fights, to be deserving not only in the eyes of his men so that he can leads them but also in the eyes of the Gods. They are not afraid of death, their relationship with the Gods being different, they only believe in a better life after death in the company of the Gods, of whom dying in battle in bravery is the best possible death to be later honored at the table of the Gods. Well, sorry for the long comment, just some explanation so you can fully understand. Also, the show did start with a low budget, but as the hype grows, the budget increases and will lead to amazing scene, specially the ones for the battles. Good reaction, I like that you both are intrigued by them and that you see the care to details that is being made to make the two culture the most realistic as possible.