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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Eva van Galen

To be honest Jack and Terry were one a break during his relationship with Nina. So he wasn't officially cheating. But if my partner were to cheat on me, I would be more upset with him than the other woman.

Ross Pogharian

Everybody who has ever watched 24 has had the same thoughts you have about Kim. You are in the majority don't worry :)


Jack and Palmer finally meet and it was everything you would've wanted it to be! I loved your excitement for this, trust me it was the same for most of us.


Man, the first interaction between this two iconic characters was....well iconic. This is probably one of my fav episodes from season 1. The interaction between David and Jack was everything I was expecting. Kim is definitely annoying and I had a similar reaction as you when I first watched the show. But on multiple rewatches I began to have more respect for Kim's compassion. And she technically didn't lie this episode. Rick did fought with Dan and helped them escape. I guess now that I know and you know that Kim and Terri are targers of the Drazens, you can probably realise that Gaines would have found a way to kidnap them regardless. And I do have an appreciation for the fact that if they hired someone else for the job besides Dan and Rick, they would have probably never made it out alive.

Chloe S

I can see where Terri is coming from - it's not about Jack because they were separated, but more about Terri's own insecurity and jealousy that Jack is so close to Nina in a way that she isn't. Not to mention I'd be annoyed if the 'other woman' was still around, working so closely with my husband and clearly still with feelings towards him. But just my view.