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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Staton Chapman

I actually use to love reading the quote before i knew the episode titles and stuff and try and guess what fairy tale it was based on lol

Samantha Bailey

The people you see change are still human just a sub species. They are not things and they are based off of The Brothers Grimm Fairy tales. The first episode was based off of The Big Bad Wolf and this episode was based off of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears. Nick can control what he sees and non of what you see is actually powers ots just the way they were all born. You will find out the one word that generalizes the species as a whole and you will hear their individual name for their type. You should read the text that comes up before the episode fully comes on.


The whole family was Jagerbars, the boy (Barry) was the only one who got emotional and showed his "face". In the first episode Marie said to Nick that he has the "gift/curse" to see their true form if they lose control. I think that's all we now at this point. You will learn more as you go further in the show. They took their time with the worldbuilding, but it's soooo worth it.

Crystal Laherrere

I think in the first episode Marie came to Nick because I think as she was weakening he was gaining his abilities. I think for now he see’s these creatures (for lack of a better word) reveal their other side when they’re emotional. Now that Marie has passed maybe he’ll see them whenever. I haven’t watched the show in quite some time so the deep lore of the show will be new to me also. Loving the reactions.


will you be continuing the series? 🙂 it really get's better! would love for you to continue 🙂


So I don't know if you ever got your answer if Nick is ever gonna control his ability to see Wesen ( Ve- sen). It's no. Nick's ability is always active, but he can only see them if the Wesen "woge" (that's taking their other apparence) when they are emotional. So if they are upset they can woge without meaning to, that's when he can see them while others wouldn't. I think it's explained more in details in future episodes.


The father of this family is like Monroe, he is trying to leave the savage part of his ancestry behind but the mother believes in tradition which is why the father was clueless but the mother was ready to help her son go through the tradition of the hunt. They all have the same ability to shift though.