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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Janet Daurity

Hannah gets immunity for anything she did with Wayne and she looks like she is being helpful. She was only 15 when she was on the killing spree with Wayne, so she looks like a "victim"

Janet Daurity

Dexter is so torn. Sexual attraction but more than that, he knows she's a killer. Wants her for his table.

Shiela Basile

Hannah was the death of this show in my opinion.


I love Hannah. She has good chemistry with Dexter. Also kinda spoilry.

Janet Daurity

You asked "How aren't you arrested?" Refering to Hannah. She was 15 and with an adult male. She testified against him and spent time in juvenile detention but was released after she served her time. Authorities decided she was just influenced by the older guy who probably did all the murders, and she was just with him.