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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Actually James (the actor who plays Shawn) and Maggie (the actress who plays Juliet) were dating for a large majority of the shows run in real life. And were still dating during this season of the show. So you would think the chemistry between them would be really palpable. I do agree, that for some reason the show chooses not to showcase much of the romance post-them getting together. Such as very little kissing or even hand holding. Either way still love them together!


Just got to the end of the episode and I wanted to let you know that James Roday (Shawn) and Maggie Lawson (Jules) were dating each other during the show; they had been dating since the first season, so neither one of the actors were married at the time. I believe the casual nature of their relationship on the show was done on purpose by the writers. Anyways, I'm going to finish watching your review. Thanks for the reaction!


Yeah the show didn’t really develop shawns and juliettes relationship. Shawn always flirted with her but ever since they got together they haven’t expanded on their relationship. But this show doesn’t seem to focus on relationships in general. Gus & Lassie haven’t seriously dated anyone or had long term girlfriends. I would say the biggest downside to this show is that there isn’t a lot of depth to the characters. The majority of the focus is in the comedy & references it makes.

Ted Cali

As everyone is saying, James and Maggie dated from 2006 - 2014, and still seem to be cool post-breakup. I actually really like how casual their relationship is on the show. Obviously there was a lot of anticipation and buildup for them to get together, so maybe that's why it feels less intense once they're dating. But I think Shules works because she pretty much is just "one of the boys," so she is amused by Shawn's antics, while also being a functional adult who drives him to grow up at least a little bit.

emily ღ

it is a bit weird, how they wrote their dynamic. like, going from a show like the office with pam and jim also being a "workplace relationship" it's just like night and day. obviously they don't have to have tons of pda or anything but like....they're together. and it basically keeps them the same dynamic as the first season which i don't get. it seems like all the other dynamics grow and develop - shawn and gus, shawn and his dad, even shawn and lassie's relationship has growth and development to it. but shawn and jules just feels so stagnant throughout which is really unfortunate. later on there is some, but it's like why is the only bit of growth/conflict/development towards the very end? they could have done so much with the two of them. oh well. shawn and lassie and shawn and henry are the dynamics i enjoy best on the show.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I don't know, I kinda like Shawn and Jules' dynamic. She's not an overbearing girlfriend and you can see how much they care for one another. You can also see that she understands Shawn's weirdly close friendship with Gus and just let them do their thing. I like that.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

By the way, will you be updating Nikita soon? I hope you haven't stopped reacting to it.

Katherine Thoreson

There is a saying that goes, "In for a penny, in for a pound". Where does in for a penny in for a pound come from? Etymology. Originally with reference to the fact that if one owed a penny, one might as well owe a pound (pound sterling, UK currency) as the penalties for non-payment were virtually identical in severity. used to express someone's intention to complete an enterprise once it has been undertaken, however much time, effort, or money this entails. And then you add in the coin aspect of this episode whth specifically the bad guys going after a penny. I love William Shatner. I met him at a con once...comic con not con man con...hahaha....i'll show myself out, sorry. I went to his panel, and he is a great story teller. The coin expo guy is the same one who plays the character Shawn in The Good Place. :D Also this whole daughter turns into a good person working for right whose dad was a con man also reminds me of Sarah from Chuck....who funny enough, her dad was played by Gary Cole who is the same actor who plays Commander Lutz from the "Gus Walks Into a Bank" episode of this show that Juliet is dating. :)

Reef Sami

Hey Steven, there seems to be a problem in the next episode’s post I can’t open it . It tells me to join to unlock the post and I’m already a patreon.