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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Yes, Adam Brody left this show to star on The OC, so the California reference was indeed deliberate. And yeah, if it wasn't obvious before that Dean was prematurely rushing into marriage, this episode made it very apparent. I don't have any experience with that type of anxiety so I can't begin to offer advice, but I certainly hope you start feeling better soon. :)


Taylor is annoying with his micromanaging of every little thing that happens in town.


I can't stand Taylor in this episode. He literally had a WINDOW installed in Luke's diner (for no other reason than to fucking spy on him!) without asking Luke yet creates these ridiculous conditions for Lorelai on a building he doesn't even own?! I'd of punched him if I were her. I'm a little pissed at Luke for not confronting Dean over what he said. I think if he actually forced Dean to soberly confront his true feelings about Rory and Lindsay he wouldn't of gone through with the wedding. I wish we got a lot more with Lane and the band. It's like the show forgets she's a main character too. Love that Lorelai and Sookie say they always intended to bring Michele to the Dragonfly. I think Rory's short hair is hit/miss with a lot of people. I like it sometimes then hate it other times.


I feel like this episode made the shift from high school to Rory's college years more apparent than the three episodes before. The way Rory is incorporated into the town stuff is similar, but still different bc she is now not here all the time and we see that this episode. As for Dean: he is that kind of small-town, married young kinda dude but it makes sense that since him and Rory never dealt with their break up properly he would have doubts .. still I personally would never get married if I still haven't closed the chapter with another person .. it's hard though to be in Luke's position bc what do you do? if he had told Rory it would've been a whole mess. But maybe he should've told Dean so that he didn't rush into this marriage thing rn. idk it's hard to say honestly.

Valencia Lanier

Tayler is a complete menace. I think Rory is realizing what she messed up to be with Jess. She never properly mourned it cause she and Jess got together so quickly. The relationship not the marriage. I mean her relationship with Dean wasn’t perfect by any means but she had more history with Dean than Jess and it really didn’t have the closure it should have had before either of them moved to new relationships. Also Dean really shouldn’t have gotten married cause clearly he wasn’t ready.

Ina Durcekova

Sometimes Taylor reminds me of Umbridge...