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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Just FYI, Leslie's book is real. Link below, I own a copy. There are some incredibly funny outtakes from this episode if you ever want to do season end extras. The scenes in the Eagleton Public Records office and Aziz and Adam Scott trying not to laugh at the 'is she going to powder her vagina?' are hysterical. You know you're invested in this show when it hurts you a little to find out Leslie was born in Eagleton. Keep in mind, that this show, much like The Good Place is not just about the laughs, it's also about the feels, and there are definitely some great moments of both coming up this season. https://www.amazon.com/Pawnee-Greatest-America-Leslie-Knope/dp/1401310648/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OO248R7L8FZH&dchild=1&keywords=pawnee+the+greatest+town+in+america&qid=1611900282&sprefix=pawnee%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-1


I'm so sorry to be negative but I actually couldn't watch this reaction. The gum chewing was so distracting. That's what my biggest pet peeve is, I can't stand watching people chew.


I amend this - I skipped a head about 6 minutes and it stopped haha. Sorry its like nails on a chalk board for me.


Fun fact: The nasal soft-spoken NPR host was played by Dan Castellaneta -- he's more recognizable by ear than by eye, as he is the voice of Homer Simpson.


Oh yeah, that was my other thought. David doesn't seem to have listened to much NPR because that open left him baffled. lol