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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Amanda Winner

Lamplighter retired and that's how Starlight joined. The other lady that has been with Butcher is the Deputy Director of the CIA.


All the heroes have different powers and strengths. A lot happen to be very strong just because their powers require it - if a train wasn't insanely strong and durable then he wouldn't be able to do what he does for instance. Translucent was particularly harder to kill due to his unique skin, other supes can have very strong skin, A-train probably would need that as well going so fast, but wouldn't be anywhere near as invulnerable as he was. Some will be much closer to, or no different to, a normal persons skin, but even then they might have other reasons they are difficult to kill.


Yeah Lamplighter retired and Starlight took his place. Early on you see a picture of him he is sorta their version of Green Lantern with a costume similar to Green Arrow.