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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



The issue with the couch at the end was because House had put Wilson’s hand in water when he was sleeping, so he peed on the couch. You said that was gonna happen while he was doing it😊.


Cameron had come up with a tick as a possible cause but they ruled it out early because they thought the anaphylaxis was due to the penicillin. Once the anaphylaxis was back on the table because it wasn’t penicillin, The tick came back into play. Also, he asked her if that was the first time she had had sex because if he felt any unusual sensations, irritations, whatever, she may have thought it was just something normal with sex.

Jason Armstrong

youve watched this show for 2 seasons now. the premise of the show is house a diagnostician which never existed before him takes on cases other doctors would fail at no matter what. hes known worldwide for this which is why he can get away with whatever he wants. its their hospitals best selling point its why house has an insane low amount of cases and has priority to pull other patients for tests. house says racist and other bigoted shit now in reality this is cause the showrunners decided that but in universe its to push the boundaries. how much is everyone willing to put up with for greatness and saved lives. house isnt actually a bigot. houses motivations are to test what people do in given situations. house is also a narcissist at the same time so anything that keeps everything revolving around him is the point hence the whiteboard exchange. you saw the difference between house and other doctors. other doctors focus on one thing in this universe he while being told he was wrong by a dean, a top oncologist and other qualified doctors. those are great doctors the point is house is otherworldly. also checking pubic hair is not the same as checking inside the vaginal opening.


Forgive my rant. But House is essentially a superhero show in my honest opinion. Now before you guys dismiss my point listen to my reasoning. In today's "politically correct" world where everyone is more worried about saying the right thing rather than doing the right thing doctors and people in general forget about human nature and everyone is too worried about upsetting anyone and that's how problems arise. A doctor other than House in this case, would not challenge the kids on lying, would not push to find the right answers and ultimately the patients would die. This happens nowadays a lot since doctors like House don't really exist anymore. Like a lot of people have said before, House is an expert in medicine all together and he is given cases where experts in only one field have failed to help the patient. Also in regards to Wilson and House, I always thought that House was trying to start one of their prank wars in order to cheer him up. It was House's way to make his friend feel better.


I had to look up the guy on IMDb you recognised at the start. I couldn't remember what I knew him from either. He was on Greek. Annoyed that I forgot that.


Are you doing anymore Hawaii 5-0 or Nikita

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Is there going to be anymore Nikita reactions? Really looking forward to that...

Gregory Wireman

House would def be in prison. We still love him though. It's weird.