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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



This episode is awesome because of the stuff between Chozen and Daniel. Plus it adds fuel to the fire of a fan theory going out there that the karate styles of Cobra Kai and Miyagi-do are actually one and the same. Miyagi convinced his father to teach Sato, Chozen's uncle. Sato and Miyagi had a falling out over Yukie. Miyagi left for America, joining the US Military in WW2 and teaching Miyagi-do there to his Commanding Officer. While Sato went on to teach Miyagi-do to soldiers in the US Military as well. On the flipside, Cobra Kai's karate was taught by Kim Sun-Yung to Captain Turner in the Korean War, who then as we know taught it to Kreese in Vietnam. Now there is some connection between Miyagi and Kim-Sun Yung that hasn't been explored yet. We know this from Karate Kid 3 because Silver mentions to Miyagi who taught him and Kreese, and that Kim asked Silver to apologize to Miyagi and behalf of Cobra Kai and to give him his regards. Implying that they know each other. Now, we know that Silver was lying about Kim asking him to apologize it doesn't negate the fact that somehow Kim and Miyagi know each other. The theory goes that Miyagi and Kim Sun-Yung knew each other during WW2 and that Miyagi taught Kim Miyagi-do. Kim then took the teachings of Miyagi-do with him and taught Turner. Turner of course being the jackass that we see in Cobra Kai only cared about the offense parts of Miyagi-do so that's what he teaches Kreese and Kreese now passes on to his students. All of this would explain Kreese's feelings toward Miyagi and Miyagi-do karate. It doesn't add up that Kreese would care all that much that one of his students was slighted in the Karate Kid. But it does add up if the above theory turns out to be true because now we know it's more than just a vendetta about losing a tournament. Its deeper to Kreese because he knows the history of where his karate came from and he wants to prove that the offense parts of Miyagi-do are all that really matter, and what better way to do that than by destroying the defense parts of Miyagi-do karate then by taking down the only dojo left still teaching it.

messiah waite

lmao I know that rock song from SpongeBobs movie "I'm a goofy goober" is the same song as "I wanna rock


Why would Sam be afraid of Tory when She literarily already beat her at the school fight. Smh..