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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I had to laugh at your comment about how if this show makes you bawl it will be because of Fitz and Jemma, because I still had tears drying on my face as you said it. The crying because of them started for me back in season 1, and I am pretty sure I have shed more tears because of or become more invested in how their incredible bond is tested and plays out than I have over some romantic relationships gone horribly wrong in my own life.

Stefan Davis

I hate to say Fitz-Simmons carry this show but they definitely do in the early seasons.....like everyone in this show has great chemistry but when Fitz-Simmons come together it’s like the producers take the writing to the next level IMO‼️


We all said "she'll never be Daisy" at first but after hearing it over and over, inevitably, you'll start thinking of her that way too.


I think they kinda carry the show for the entire run. Not that the rest of the cast is bad or anything. They are all great

Zoe Hart

That might be because they are roughly based on the showrunners own relationship.