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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Imagine if this technology really existed women would be going around with like half the world blocked they wouldnt know who was who and I would imagine the crazier guys would get enraged the murder rate would probably skyrocket

Daniel R

Bro I can't wait til you get to the next season! Season 3 and 4 are filled with creative stories that will leave your jaw on the floor

Daniel R

First chick was clearly insane. While the guy had actual people in his head talking to him, the chick was insane and had "figurative" voices in her head telling her to off herself and him. The thing with the cookie is that it's a take on our smart-phone/TVs/etc. They're customizable for us, the user, but what if we were the user? As in they take a copy of our day-to-day routine out of our body and place it into a smart device that controls your house? You're still alive and well, but a copy of you is now in charge of operating your day-to-day the way you like it because it is you. Also with being blocked by everyone, you'll notice from everyone else's POV that he was highlighted in red indicating that he's "on the registry" which probably isn't the way you want to live the rest of your life--being constantly judged and leered at by everybody, everywhere. Insane take on technology and the future that it holds.


The brunette the guy was talking to at the office party was Tonks from Harry Potter. She was also in Game of Thrones. The one at the end Beth was in the shows Salem and New Amsterdam.


i don't know if you caught it but the song the girl was singing and the talent show on the tv was the same one from 1x2 .

DJ Doena

Especially when you cannot interact with any person anymore. It's basically solitary confinement for the rest of your life