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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Teeoni Leigh

You can’t skip the credits because they don’t happen during the intro they happen while a scene is happening so the only way your going to be able to skip them is if you watch a version where it has been edited or if you get someone to blur out the credits before you watch it. It may sound like a lot of work shut trust me it will be worth it because you won’t want to be spoiled.

Siti Dee

I would list and post the links to all of the things to watch before going into the 50th anniversary episode! But i'm at work now akbdjsks unless someone else is doing it that would be great! But I can't wait to get home and watch this reaction! It's one of my top 5 fav episode for sure!

Teeoni Leigh

Also doctor Simeon was in the Christmas special the snowman where we met Victorian Clara. I personally never watched the minisodes before the next episode but it does give you a backstory to who this new doctor is so that you’re not so confused. At the end of the library episode the doctor “saved” river by saving her to the data base so she could live on so this version of her is the last point in her time stream.

Nikita Pascari

You do need to watch some minisodes before the 50th special, and during the special PLEASE look away 3:38-3:58 if you cant get hold of an edited version. Blind Wave, Sesskasays, FailWhale34 all had edited versions from someone.

Jeremy Burch

The two shorts were called The Night of the Doctor and The Last Day, their was also the movie An Adventure in Space and Time that i would highly recommend watching before the 50th anniversary that is about the making of Doctor Who which Stars David Bradley from Game of Thrones and the Dinosaur episode of Doctor Who as William Hartnell the actor who played the first Doctor. Then their is also the special The Five(ish) Doctors which i would recommend watching after the 50th anniversary. I don't know how to link to anything though so i can only give the names of the specials, sorry.

Nikita Pascari

If youre a bit confused about River, you can rewaatch the Silence in the Library 2 parter again its totally awesome on a rewatch knowing River now. That day with David Tennant's Doctor was the first time we the audience and the Doctor first met River and it was the last time River met the Doctor and she died. River mentions to Rory last season how she and the Doctor travel in opposate directions in terms of time: first time the Doctor met River she met him for the last time, last time the Doctor will meet River will be the first time she ever sees him. Also as some mentioned An Adventure in Space and Time will be absolutley amazing. You dont need to watch it for continuity but you will not regret watching it if you do. Season Finale: The Name of the Doctor Minisode: The Night of the Doctor Minisode: The Last Day 50th Special: The Day of the Doctor Christmas Special: The Time of the Doctor Season 8 Episode 1 And thats the order! Cant wait!

Siti Dee

Here are the links to the minisodes! The Night of the Doctor: https://youtu.be/-U3jrS-uhuo The Last Day: https://youtu.be/Eem2Ehq_xBI As Nikita have mentioned above, pls do watch these before starting the 50th anniversary episode!

Siti Dee

Also Steven, i would highly recommend you watching another 50th anniversary movie special "An Adventure In Space and Time"! It's a biopic about the life of William Hartnell of how he first started the series, he's the first doctor actor played by the amazing and underrated actor, David Bradley! The movie is a gem. You can watch that after The Day of the Doctor.


Yes. It is imperative that Steven has an edited version or else he should simply just look away.

Alex Haswell

All your questions about John Hurt’s character will be explained

Alex Haswell

Pretty much both specials (Day and Time of the Doctor) are continuations of the season not standalone

Alex Haswell

In the David Tennant Silence in the Library two part story he uploads her to the library database at the end so she can live a life inside there. She’s communicating into the “conference call” from the library and that call is what linked her temporarily to Clara and why she can appear to her.


Just so you're aware, with the 50th Anniversary Special, it won't be the typical intro that you're used to with the Tardis going through Space and Time. A few minutes into the episode, the credits are blended in to a scene. This may not make much sense now, but to be on the safe side just close your eyes or look away immediately when you see Matt Smith's name pop up first. Then you can look at your screen again when you hear the word "ATTENTION" which should only be around 20ish seconds after seeing Matt Smith's name.


You first saw Dr Simeon/The Great Intelligence in ‘The Snowmen’ in the middle of the series, he appeared again at the end of The Bells of St. John - he was the one pulling the strings of the entire operation. As for River, this takes place after her death in the Library 2-parter. The Doctor saved her at the end of that story by uploading her ‘soul’ into the computer - that’s why she’s still about here. I think you just forgot, that’s all.


Man streaming services are so amazing but also suck so bad. all the people worried about spoilers in the intro of the next episode when the end of this one boom spoiler in the thumbnail lol. Kinda sad that people who pirate content have a better viewing experience. Saw someone who even got an edited down version to avoid the spoilers which you wouldnt get on a paid service. Kinda weird these companies want our money but arent offering customizable experiences.

Siti Dee

Yeah, i also saw that thumbnail spoiler. I'm just really hoping he didn't catch that.


I love that line, "The name you choose is like a promise you make." Did anyone else think about changing their name?

Nikita Pascari

I had the chance when I got a second citizenship to change it to basically whetever I want. I just changed the way its written to match the language and make more sense in English letters but thats it. Could have named myself anything... too late now!

Tammy L. Faulkner

Maybe you could tape a thick peice of paper wear the credits pop up at until you get surprised by whatever it is. IDK... That's the only thing that comes to mind, cause in all honesty... You really don't want to skip the credit scenes in my opinion. You might think it's entertaining.

Tammy L. Faulkner

BTW... They're not just a couple, they're married. ...AND... John Hurt (RIP) aka Olivander, was the wand maker.

Sharon Owen

I personally wouldn't be too concerned if you saw some of the credits in the next episode. At time of release everyone knew the cameos, so I wouldn't say it was a spoiler as such. Also the scene the names appear is pretty epic so to turn away you're missing the viewing experience. In terms of John Hurt's Doctor, at this point in time we don't know when he appears in his timeline yet. River Song's timeline is very complicated. This River is post Library - where the Doctor uploaded her to the biggest library in the world. Watch the last 5 minutes of that two-parter to remember. It was a long time ago for you now I think the perils of watching so many shows with so many different mythologies is you forget essential information. My brain can only process a certain amount of TV shows at a time, so with your schedule I can see why you forget things!

Jason Usher

Great reaction, and yes At the end of Silence In the Library/Forest of the Dead S04E08-09 The Doctor saved River into the Libraries Computer, also Dr Simeon(the Great Intelligence) was the villain in the Snowmen episode and at the end of The Bells of Saint John episode, also while watching The Day of the Doctor, it won’t help if you skip the credits because all the names are at the bottom of the screen in the first scene after the credits, so If I were you I would just try not to look down during it


the villain is the Great Intelligence in the body of Dr. Simmion. He was in the episode The Snowmen and Bells of St. John. The GI also appeared in the classic who, so that's why he has such a grudge against the Doctor.

Jason (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:46:01 It won't work Steven despite you trying everything you can from what I understand (I'm in the UK) from other reactors HBO Max will spoil the surprises everyone is talking about sadly I'm pretty sure another reactor suffered the same fate. The splash screen on the episode and thumbnail is spoilerific. Anyone who has HBO Max could probably confirm what I believe to be true. If you get another copy it's basically when Clara yells "Doctor" & his theme starts and look back again when the theme ends and someone yells "Attention"
2021-03-16 14:43:19 It won't work Steven despite you trying everything you can from what I understand (I'm in the UK) from other reactors HBO Max will spoil the surprises everyone is talking about sadly I'm pretty sure another reactor suffered the same fate. The splash screen on the episode and thumbnail is spoilerific. Anyone who has HBO Max could probably confirm what I believe to be true. If you get another copy it's basically when Clara yells "Doctor" & his theme starts and look back again when the theme ends and someone yells "Attention"

It won't work Steven despite you trying everything you can from what I understand (I'm in the UK) from other reactors HBO Max will spoil the surprises everyone is talking about sadly I'm pretty sure another reactor suffered the same fate. The splash screen on the episode and thumbnail is spoilerific. Anyone who has HBO Max could probably confirm what I believe to be true. If you get another copy it's basically when Clara yells "Doctor" & his theme starts and look back again when the theme ends and someone yells "Attention"