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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



This aired Nov. of 2002


I'm still early in the ep where she shows up so I don't know if you remembered yet but Emmanuelle Vaugier who plays the Doctor that you think you recognized went on a few years after this to guest star on Supernatural as Madison the Werewolf that Sam liked and had to kill. She has also popped up in a number of other things over the years some single eps and some multiple or films like Saw (2,5), the original Charmed, Veronica Mars, One Tree Hill, CSI:NY,Covert Affairs, Lost Girl (cool show if you haven't seen it), the new Magnum and Macgyver remakes and it looks like Two and a Half men for a long time though I never really watched much of that, plus other stuff. I first saw her in Smallville or maybe Charmed and then kinda like when she pops up in stuff.


As soon as I re-heard the line... "Doesn't Ian carry a pager?" It hit me like a ton of bricks how old I am now. lol. I was 19 in my second year of Community College when this aired and watching it live, and now I'm 37 turning 38 in April. It's crazy it's been that long. Wish I could go back. That is one superpower I've always wanted to be able to wake in one day when I was younger with my current memories and be able to have a redo. Anyway it is just kinda funny when you go back and watch this or Buffy etc and see some of the tech and how it kinda takes you back.


If he hadn't been a killer and had just been playing them where would it have gone, what would have been the climax. It's a superhero show. He kills and is playing them off each other and it leads to him trying to kill Lana and Chloe and gives an action scene at the end. Otherwise it would just be them figuring out he was playing them and that's it there would be no tension or payoff except the kinda conversation that the episode ends with. Heroes need villains to fight, sometimes it's because of murder, theft, world domination etc but that's just a trope that kinda goes with the territory and with the odd exception that is what most episodes are set up like so just keep that in mind. When it comes to Ian and other Meteor Freaks being "Evil" I think you have step back and realize that is kind of the common theme on here and it's kinda that way in comics too but the catalyst for the powers are varied in the comics, and sometimes here, but here it's mostly the rocks for now. You have and will see that the Meteor Rocks or (Kryptonite) at least in this version can tend to drive some a little crazy. Also it's not all the time some can still be good or not go crazy from it but a lot of times its either that, or just like in the comics sometimes power just corrupts. Then people who may not have otherwise done anything real bad, get the powers and they let it go to their heads and start killing people, like Ian did in this one, or how the kid who got Clark's powers acted etc. It's also suppose to contrast the fact of the person Clark is and how he was raised to show how he is good and uses the powers for good while if he didn't he would be just like any of the kids who get these powers and instead of going bad could use them to help people or just say for Ian do well in school without going overboard about not getting a scholarship. Imagine how good his life could have been later after high school if he just kept it on the down low or using the two to able to fight bad guys and save people etc at the same time.

Daniel R

Yeah she was one of Charlie's hoes on Two and a Half Men lmao; she starts off as a respectable ballet dancing instructor that Charlie tries to bang and well yeah she eventually becomes one of "the girls" once they move on to someone new

Cheddah Slammer

If they didn't make him a killer, then his character would have had to stay around for more episodes, which when the time this came out they weren't doing that sort of thing. I can see it working if he was a character that was around episode to episode but not for an episodic episode were its needed for him to go away.