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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Calvin Allen

How did that spell work? None of those ingredients were real


Love your reaction to this episode and glad it touched your heart and earned 10 stars. Every time I watch it, it is so frustrating that we don’t get to see Bobby answer the reaper at the end. I am also thrilled we got to see Rufus so much in this episode. He was a character gone way too soon. He is so much fun.

Mark Wood

The one truth of Supernatural. Eventually no ones safe, and everyone dies. Some beloved characters last a long time, some have a short run, but it all ends the same way.

Mark Wood

And I am glad (though also pissed) when they kill off a character when the character/ actor was a great addition, like Rufus. It just helps sell the realism of the show. Really my biggest complaint about the episode is that the general production values of the show have declined (primarily to keep the budget down, as cast, crew and producers all get raises, so it keeps making the show more and more expensive), and it visually does hurt the show. But the writing and acting is so strong for this episode its an exceptionally minor complaint.


How did I never think about that until now😂😂😂

Sharon Owen

The show has never been about big production values, hence why all the monsters look human-ish. The exception is the very later seasons where it seems to have a bigger budget (whether it did or not I don't know). A show with budget constraints sometimes tend to be better than one with a big special effects budget (think Doctor Who and their wobbly sets fom the 60s)

Sharon Owen

This is one of the best episodes of the entire series - top 10 or 15 I'm thinking. We got to know more about Bobby and his life, it's a shame we just lost him in the same episode. Don't be afraid about giving 10s, yes there may be episodes down the line that are better but that doesn't take away the 10 from here, it just means there's multiple episodes that deserve a 10!

Jeffrey Mlinek

Death's Door is a fantastic episode with great writing, directing, and acting. The portrayal of Bobby is a beautiful tribute to his character, and the execution is masterfully done. This is one of the best episodes of the entire series and I cannot say enough positive things about Death's Door. But Bobby dies....so fuck this episode! I would trade it in a second for Bobby to live.


They're very real in his head which is where this is all taking place. Just like torching the bones made that ghost vanish just the same. You could argue the bones nor the fire were real also. Or how the ghost actually almost killed Bobby if Rufus didn't save him. The Reaper wasn't chasing him out in the corporeal world, they were in his memories.


Yeah with getting shot in the head if it's off to side or in the right place sometimes someone can survive or at least not be an instant kill. I've also see in other shows things that may be possible but are kinda a one in a million shot like on 911 a firefighter got a rebar through the middle of his head survived healed and had no brain damage so sometimes it's real and sometimes it's tv magic or just taking that small possibility and making it like this is the time that it somehow happens but in this case a shot to the side of the head is a lot more possible than a lot of stuff.