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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Jeanette Dawe

the actress for Sugar is actually a really good singer, she plays this character well though

I Am Not Chamari

Yeah, Finn had the nerve to talk about "ball hogging" when he and Rachel are easily the "ball hoggers" of the Glee Club.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Fun Fact: Matthew Morrison (Mr.Shue} was the ORIGINAL Link Larkin (played by Zac Effron in the movie} from the original Broadway production of Hairspray ❤


This was a good premier. It was sad to see Sam go but his actor was upset he didn’t get a series regular contract and he wanted to focus on other things. I loved all the performances and fun in this episode. I was sad to see Santana pull that prank but it’s understandable why she would do that with sue pulling that “you play for both teams 😉” threat. I really love skank Quinn. I know a lot of people either love her or hate her but I think they gave Quinn a lot of depth. It shows that the prom queen and Finn stuff from last year wasn’t as superficial as people thought. She felt like she failed to get back to that place she was before getting pregnant and she lost control. I was really disappointed that more of the glee club didn’t reach out to her as her friends. Especially Mr Schue and even Emma. I know that schue just wants to focus on nationals but that doesn’t stop his job to help his students. If it were Rachel or Finn going through this, I don’t think he would ignore it.


The people that are seniors are Kurt, Rachel, Finn, Santana, Mercedes, Mike, Brittany, Quinn. I think that’s all of them. The juniors are Blaine, Tina, and Artie.


Kurt and Rachel in this episode are peak theater kid energy and I (unfortunately) relate to that so much. I really like this premier. It actually set up some long term arcs, and established the tone of the first half of the season pretty well.

Tyler Browne

In case you didn't know, Glee was so huge culturally at this point that, during seasons 2 and 3, a reality show called "The Glee Project" was created, where the winners would get to appear in a few episodes of the following season. Lindsey (the "Gerber Baby") is the first winner to appear.

Sarah Trow

Season 3 in my opinion is the best season. It addresses a lot of the issues that were bugging me about the show...

Mrs Payne

That scene with Finn coming at Blaine about ball hogging was so cringe. All he did was introduce himself lol.

Jake Sullivan

Loved it great episode and I never understand the Finn coming at Blaine thing and people will hate on him so much for it but it’s just weird but love season 3 can’t wait for more