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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Jack has a lot of training and he is basically a spy, you will find out more about him as this season goes by. Also watch closely Terri's frame of mind as it will come in play later. I am not sure if you noticed but a new player has entered the board, and it looks like Ira Gains is not the top of the food chain in this conspiracy. Also no spoilers about sides of Sherry vs David but I'll give you a hint. The fans are not devided between them when it comes to taking sides :) Until next time...


I love how you are totally not liking Rick because that was my exact reaction when watching this. I didn't really care about whatever good he tried to do because he was straight up trash at the beginning and a follower of anything his friend, Dan asked of him. I loved when you said, "Don't look at Kim like that, Rick, you still suck dude. I don't like Rick man." LMAO When it comes to David and Sherry I am on both sides. David for being out of the loop and so blindsided but wanting to bring this story out before it gets brought out the wrong way. Sherry for wanting to protect her son at all costs by not having anyone know what happens but as you mentioned, the way Sherry is handling things seems to be making things worst. I love you finally realizing how badass Jack is! you can see why he is a popular show! I especially loved when Jack threatened that rapist over the phone... "Who is this?" "I am the last thing you will ever see if anything happens to my wife or my daughter!"