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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Siti Dee

I HATED this episode lol probably the worst of s7. I remember looking forward for this bc it was written by Neil Geiman (he wrote The Doctor's Wife) And it turned out very very disappointing. The children was a waste of space and like what is the point of making them annoying? UGh

Jeremy Burch

The first time I watched this episode I would have given it a 7 or 8 because I really liked the Doctor/Cyberman back and forth, I liked the beat him in 3 moves trick, and i actually did like the Porridge scenes and Emperor reveal, maybe just because I like Warwick Davis. But it does not make for a good episode to rewatch, already knowing about the Porridge scenes and Emperor reveal and the Doctor/Cyberman stuff, just leaves you with annoying kids, bad pacing which i noticed so much more this time and a lot of side characters that were really badly developed. I was watching the reaction wondering why I remembered liking it so much the first time, felt like giving it a 4 or 5, so I gave it a 6 or 7, somewhere in between. Also, the reason they were taking orders from Clara is because of the Psychic Paper they believed the Doctor had high authority and he ordered them to take orders from Clara, so following commands they had to listen to Clara.


Weekly reminder for Steven letting him know that he SHOULD NOT watch the opening credits where it lists the names of actors in the episode for the 50th Anniversary, so that way he can have the best possible reaction and experience to the episode.


considering how many times youve posted this should be a good test to see if he actually reads the comments lol. Though the BBC didnt seem to care about spoiling stuff they practically go door to door advertising out there just to up the viewing figures for their episodes. Its all about making headlines not good stories at least today


The cybermen are always evolving pretty much every story they have been in the design changes, their abilities change, gold being their "weakness" hasnt been used as much in new who as it was in classic, Honestly not sure you would care much for classic between how cheesy it all is and how much the daleks and cybermen are in there and far worse than anything weve seen in new who.


I mean luckily for reactors watching it now, they're able to avoid spoilers to an extent. With people like myself that watched these episodes when they aired, it was virtually impossible to avoid all the advertisement and hype. Fun fact for Steven aswell as some other people out there. The 50th Anniversary was such a highly anticipated episode that it actually aired in quite a few cinemas (theatres for Americans) here in the UK.

Teeoni Leigh

I thinks most people find this episode a bit disappointing but next few episodes are a lot better. Was also wondering what happened to your reaction to 7x1 because I can no longer see it on your page?

Teeoni Leigh

Also please, please make sure that you get someone to edit out the credits for episode 14 or you will get major spoilers. The credits don’t happen in the title sequence they happen during a scene so someone will need to blur them out of the scene so you don’t get spoiled

Siti Dee

We could just tell him the time stamp from where he needs to skip

Siti Dee

Attention to Steven, I urge you to please read the comments section after posting the next episode. There will be alot of minisodes, specials etc that are quite relevant to the 50th anniversary episode!


This isn't the best episode, but it was always memorable for me because of Matt Smith's acting. Seriously, I really love how he could split between the good and the bad. He plays a good villain. Another great example was when he was in Terminator. Seriously, I love Matt Smith. I also liked his and Clara's interactions...but overall the story is kind of "meh." Like I like the upgraded Cybermen, and it's kind of funny you said that guy looked like James Corbon because there is a fan theory that he is a descendant of his. Clara was in charge because of the Psychic Paper. They saw the Doctor was of high authority and outranked the Captain, so she had to listen to whatever he said, and he put Clara in charge because he didn't want them to blow up the planet...only to want to blow it up...it's a bit lazy writing tbh.

Prabhat Khanal

Also, the Captain recognized the emperor (when she and the Emporer are upstairs she says she recognized him) and the emperor sided with Clara (The emperor feels bad for his ancestor blowing up that galaxy and killing trillions of living being so he does not want to be emperor that is why he is running away and hiding as a commoner. he does not want to blow up the planet and kill all people as his ancestor did). Captain had to follow what the emperor said. However, in the end, she decided that Cyberan were too many and they needed to blow up the planet in order to stop Cyberman from spreading to the rest of the universe. therefore she defies the emperor and tried to activate the bomb however she is killed before doing that. However, in the end, Emporer had to activate the bomb and let his fleet find him. remember he is running away from the emperor responsibilities and he does not want the emperor flet to finding him. but in the end he have no choice and he does exactly that.

Prabhat Khanal

The story is there however I think the episode is not properly presenting the story properly. Perhaps poor writing or poor directing, I do not know.