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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Paris’s last name is Gellar, and it’s a 4 person suite although it’s never explained why there are 2 single rooms and 1 double. There are suite dorms, a friend of mine lived in one her sophomore year, it had a communal living room, dining room and kitchen then a bathroom connected to two bedrooms on one side and another bathroom and two bedrooms on the other.


Lorelai and the whole thing with the mattress was ridiculous! She has a garage! Hell, she lets Lane's band rehearse there for free so why not ask them to ditch it for her as a little payback? She really took advantage of Luke's kindness in this episode. While I do think that Rory needing her mom to stay the first night was a bit immature, I think it was needed as all three girls are a bit reserved and antisocial so that first fun night was kinda necessary for them to all meet other people and bond a bit. Terrence is a bit of an ass, if he knew the whole story between Rory and Paris, but I guess there's a chance Paris left out some details, like her bullying Rory throughout a lot of her Chilton experience. I feel for Luke with the Nicole situation, I don't get why they are making it so freaking difficult. Let the guy get his divorce already! I'm really excited for you to see this season, I just binge-watched it and am now almost done with season 5. (also I love Paris' shortened hair. It looks great on her!)

Dan Dolan

The thing with the divorce is Nicole is a lawyer and she's doing things the long technical way where Luke just wants to sign something and have it be over and it rarely ever works like that. Her fellow lawyers are making it worse because they've honestly never heard of someone who wanted 'nothing' so they think Luke is trying to play games. Oh and btw Paris is still dating Jamie, he's who she was talking to on the phone about Terrance.

Mariella Nilsson

My favourite feel good episode with allot of funny stuff and heart warning moments!! And so happy lorelei got her collage experience! Luke is annoying in a grumpy way and Lorelai in a pushy way and that is how they balance eachother out!

Sherelle H

No doubt their relationship is super weird but I think the age factor has a lot to do with it, I mean Lorelai was 16 when she had Rory so when Rory was like 8 yrs old (plus Rory is super smart) she was only like 24 they were practically sisters sometimes so yea mom/ daughter wise it would super weird for the sleepover but they such best friends sometimes its not that weird for their relationship

Isabella Jones

Lorelai has only babied Rory because I imagine that one of her biggest fears is her and Rory’s relationship becoming like her and Emily’s. It can be annoying but it’s not through Lorelai failing as a mum.

Victoria Chinaka

The dorm room suite is actually pretty realistic, especially with ivy schools. Yale dorms typically look like that.

Valencia Lanier

About the big room and suites. I think it’s part that it’s an Ivy League school and then those buildings are old right? So there were probably fire places in most rooms for heat back in the old days they just updated the old historical buildings. I mean for the money Ivy League schools cost, I hope the residential buildings are extra nice like that. As for a Rory spending the night, eh o think it’s the young mom who made the first night fun was awesome that let Tory get away with it without any of the first outside the suite making fun of her. I’m sure their moms are nothing like Loreli. Also Paris already knows Loreli and Tessa is 15 and probably enjoyed the mother/sister figure being there. Like you said, those three are reserved and needed it. Also I had a single room when I was a freshman. I mean it was teeny tiny but all mine cause I specifically requested one when I went away to college. You have to pay a little more.


I go to any Ivy and some of the dorm rooms do have fireplaces, although they're all non-functional because they don't want us to burn the building down, haha. It's definitely still and unrealistically huge room, especially for freshmen. We have a lot of suites, so that concept is fine, but you'd be much more likely to have a big common room with absolutely tiny bedrooms that either have bunk beds or the two beds so close together you can barely walk between them.

PamPam and her PamPams

I think Luke caves for Rory, not Lorelai. Did you notice how when they were bickering by Rorys door, how he stopped to say hi to her in the sweetest voice and then kept on fighting with Lorelai. He would probably do anything for Rory. Lorelai takes advantage of him very often though.


yes she was a bit annoying towards him this episode but I guess it was bc of all these emotions of Rory leaving and she at least apologized in the end. And Luke loves these girls way too much to not give in.

Other Boy Reactions

Lorelai and Rory can judge men because men have had the power and judged women since the beginning of time. It's men's turn to be objectified. Plus women objectifying men doesn't put men in danger the way men objectifying women does.