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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



One of my favorite little moments in this episode that helps to build Mal's character is his look after he kicks Crow into the engine. You can see in Mal's short pause he is struggling with and coming to terms with the morality of his actions. Mal knew Crow had to die, but took no pleasure in killing someone. This differentiates Mal's character from "outlaws" like Niska who was flippant about the killing of the man hanging upside down.

Daniel R

never realized it, but the soldiers on the train look like extras from Starship Troopers lol like the exact same armor, helmets, weapons

Katherine Thoreson

The network didn't want the pilot "Serenity" to be the pilot. They thought it was too long and confusing for an audience to follow. So, they made Whedon scrap that and create a new pilot. That's how we got "The Train Job". So, if it seems like there was a lot of repeating, it's because there was. This was the first episode to air, and they had to quickly sum up everything we learned in the actual pilot, "Serenity". The main inspiration for this show came up after Joss Whedon read a book about the Civil War, and he thought what would that be like if it took place in the future in space. So, the feeling of this being a space western is spot on.