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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Katy Ann

Great reaction as always. So there were a few inaccuracies in this episode. The biggest one being Bonnie and Clyde who both walked with a limp. Clyde's limp was from cutting off 2 of his toes to try and escape work detail while he was in prison and Bonnie's was from a car accident that cause 3rd degree burns to her leg. Additionally (and I'm not sure if this counts as an inaccuracy) but Bonnie and Clyde were killed in Louisiana not Arkansas. However, it's never explicitly stated in the show where the opening scene takes place. It's conceivable that they were implying that Bonnie and Clyde were in Arkansas and then drove to Louisiana after the robbery (which is possible because the car they were killed in supposedly had Arkansas plates). It should also be noted that Bonnie and Clyde didn't actually rob that many banks (only about 15 in the 2 years they were active) and they never robbed banks on their own. They would only hit banks if they had their crew. If they were alone they would hit small stores or markets and didn't get that much money. I do appreciate the attention to detail with the letter to Ford though which was an actual letter that Clyde wrote. Also, if you look, Bonnie is still wearing her wedding ring throughout the episode. When Bonnie (the real one) was killed she still had her ring on.

Pho3nixX (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:47:57 Great reaction. I enjoy them very much. I have always enjoyed stuff on Bonny & Clyde so I was excited to see an episode about them. I like how they intertwine fact & fiction. When they show the beginning of the episode they show what was suppose to happen in history. Everything after that is when changes take place.
2021-02-01 00:02:41 Great reaction. I enjoy them very much. I have always enjoyed stuff on Bonny & Clyde so I was excited to see an episode about them. I like how they intertwine fact & fiction. When they show the beginning of the episode they show what was suppose to happen in history. Everything after that is when changes take place.

Great reaction. I enjoy them very much. I have always enjoyed stuff on Bonny & Clyde so I was excited to see an episode about them. I like how they intertwine fact & fiction. When they show the beginning of the episode they show what was suppose to happen in history. Everything after that is when changes take place.