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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Great reaction! Chidi is NOT one of the four. But as his memory has been wiped, he has to be introduced to the neighborhood and all, so Eleanor has to greet him and show him around. We'll meet the remaining two in season 4. Every viewer I know was bummed out by this plot development, because of the sadness of splitting him and Eleanor up for a year, necessary as it is. I want William Jackson Harper to have every award there is. Everything he has to do, he does wonderfully -- "Jeremy Bearimy, baby."

Amanda Winner

I felt they were pushing Eleanor and Chidi on us in the beginning but by this episode, I was fully invested

Ray D

This episode and season in general didn’t really work for me. I honestly never got the Elenor and Chidi thing. Because the show kept erasing their memories over and over again I never got to feel the characters fall in love. Elenor found out that they were in love by watching a tape of them having sex that mindy had at her house. Having a character realize that she’s in love by telling her that she was rather than show it to us feels cheap and I never was able to buy in or invest in the relationship. That mixed with the fact that they have all had their memories wiped a bunch of times makes me not really feel much emotion toward chidi being wiped again. It’s something that’s happen a bunch of times before. I love season 1 of this show but I think all the rebooting and messing with timelines catches up to it and I don’t feel the emotion in this season because of it. Oh well.

Katherine Thoreson

I had to give it a 10 because I cried so much the last bit of this episode. I love Chidi and Eleanor so much.