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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



After way the first two episodes, this was really the one that drew me into the show further.


In a way, Liam overthinks things because he's a lawyer. He's able to pick up on certain things like body language and choice of words and asks the right questions which leads to him finding out the truth and getting a confession. Also in the end when Liam takes out the grain and his memories come rushing back before it fades to black, the theory is that either he died or went blind. Since the grain is implanted in the brain removing it in such a way is very dangerous.


The actress who plays Ffion is Jodie Whittaker. I saw her in this and in Broadchurch and then she went on to be the new first female Doctor on Doctor who.


As you asked what it means, I found online the definition of fancy : If you fancy someone, you feel attracted to them, especially in a sexual way. [informal] I think he thinks I fancy him or something. Synonyms: be attracted to, find attractive, desire, lust after Keep up the great reactions!

Daniel R

With this technology and being that obsessed with constantly rewinding your past, it's crazy what people would actually do with this power

I Am Not Chamari

I think this is the strongest episode of the first season - It just all felt so real and palpable. The viewer is led to believe that Liam is an obsessive husband, whose jealousy takes him over the edge. Because of this technology, and who Liam is as a person (seems to be very analytical and observant), he overthinks and over-analyzes just about everything, which is clear as we see how he responds to his job interview. The viewer might assume that he's just lost it and maybe feels for Fi, But as we also have access to Liam's memories, we are also obsessively watching things over and over. We notice details that make Fi look more guilty and guilty. Ultimately, Liam is right. But that isn't necessarily the point. Now, he has all of these memories that he can no longer cope with. Now, the truth is eating him alive and it is truly heartbreaking to watch it all unfold. I think this episode also very effectively shows the effects of cheating and gaslighting - I thought that Liam was essentially crazy because Fi continuously lies to him and gaslights him throughout the episode.