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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Calvin Allen

The Orb of Thesulah is the name of the crystal ball that gave Angel his soul back


Love this episode. Like I said, season 7 has a ton of standalone Monster/Ghost hunt stuff this season that are great. Some of the best since season 1-2. But the Leviathan stuff just floundered too much for me.


You made me curious when you wondered if Dean had only been drinking since he killed Amy (7x3) and started lying to Sam. In 7x1 Dean was having whiskey for breakfast and from the conversation it seemed he was upset about Cas going evil and that Sam was having hallucinations and hiding it. So I think Amy made Dean’s drinking even worse, though maybe didn’t start the downward slide. I agree with you that Dean had good chemistry with the actress/character in this episode.