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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Ted Cali

“The only man we both loved” is such an underrated Nick quote. I will never not be amused by how infatuated he is with Russel. As for the date, it is ‘frustrating’ in the sense that we want them together, but what I love about their dynamic is how realistic it is. The same reason they are compatible is the same reason that their efforts are so disastrous: they’re both immature, stubborn, neurotic children, and neither of them wants to be the first to commit.


I love the many bromances of Nick Miller. Schmidt, Tran, Russel. And I love how hard you ship Nick and Jess. I liked them together but I'm realizing I think I actually ship Schmidt and Cece on rewatch.


I love Nick and Jess. Their so weird 😂


Well, there's no rule saying you can't ship two different couples at the same time, I do :)