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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



That sucks, but It wasn't a good match anyways. They were fine together but the chemistry was not really there. IMHO


Maybe it’s just my opinion but I love these episodes! Ryan and Marissa are my favorite though so maybe that’s why


Hi Steven. No offence because I love most of your reactions but I wanna say a couple of things. Since the beginning of season 2 I watched you become more and more annoyed with this show, which is in part understandable because it dips in quality. But you seem to just not follow any storylines closely lately. And everything seems to annoy you, especially Seth, which besides his meddling and the way he went about it, I think its unwarranted. You seem unwilling or unable to put yourself in the shoes of Ryan and Marissa which (as it's mostly the premise of this show) they are each other's true first love and will always carry a torch for each other. Also, I know people will disagree with me on this (and it's not about her sexuality - I don't have an opinion about that) but Alex is 100% a phase which developed into a relationship. Remember that when she got together with Alex it was the same time she got into the fight with Ryan about Lindsey and Alex defended her. Also I know you hate Julie but damn, not a lot of compassion for her. Plus she is 100% right on this one. Marissa since getting together with Alex she was lost in a way by skipping school and not doing what she loved to do (like being social chair, etc). Also the breakup with Alex was coming since like 3 episodes ago, starting with money troubles, then Ryan being single again and then this episode. It does make sense even if you don't like it. Plus the way Alex reacted this episode is true to her rebellious character. Regardless of all that, you don't really seem to enjoy the show anymore. If that's the case maybe you should consider dropping it or taking a break, because it doesn't make for a good reaction when you hate every storyline and find every character annoying, just my two cents.


I respect that, same thing happened with prison break season 2. If I don’t like the characters I do tend to just say it or be annoyed by them for a majority of the arks. I do need to be better at being bitter about the episodes because I agree that most won’t like to see me complain the whole time. I’ll have to see how I can put a more positive spin on things when the shows go in directions I don’t like.


this show is not good. please stop reacting to it after this season.

PamPam and her PamPams

Speak for yourself. This show has its "less good" times but is absolutely great. Don't watch if you don't want.


Yikes negative Nancies in the comments. This show is awesome, and I'm enjoying your reactions, even if you have negative takes - many of which I find fair. This isn't my favorite stretch of episodes, but I think things really pick up soon, including a big storyline that starts in the next ep. My only advice would be to remember that these characters are teenagers - so it's actually fairly realistic that that they fall in and out of seemingly epic love so quickly. Thanks Steven!

Sandra Pedersen

This is my favorite show, and I am so happy that you are reacting to it. I haven’t found any other people who do. We might not have the same opinions on it, but that is okay 😁👍 Keep watching. Next episode is Great 😁 My favorite is Summer 😁


Doubt you will see this but the breakup was largely pushed by the studio execs. The ones that were on the producer/writers were the season 1 exit but the alex storyline specifically was forced to wrap up quickly since there were people up high who didn't like it from what I remember.