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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Elena was never really 100% on board with it. She always felt bad about Elijah being tied to it but she made the choice. Now she's just having more guilt about it so she's having second thoughts and wants to find a way to save him

Stefan Davis

Idk what it is but for some reason this season I felt like the writers went above and beyond to make us dislike Elena and for me it absolutely worked......between the dialogue her decision making and the Damon/Stefan lovers quarrel i wasn’t feeling any of it😕

Sade L.

Finn being suicidal isn’t far fetched when you remember that Klaus left him daggered in a box for 900 years...pair that with Elijah mentioning that Finn always hated what they are its not hard to imagine why he would want to die and take his siblings with him. I don’t think you’ll get much more background on Finn until you get to The Originals


Same this is were I really started to no like Elena


I think in the last episode Elena gave Esther her blood to kill Klaus. She was only told after she did it that it would kill the rest of them too. And yes she didn't say anything then either bc she needs Klaus dead so badly. But that doesn't mean she can't feel guilty bc as she explained Elijah helped her before ...

john segun doe

for me it was an 8 or 9 cuz there was quite a bit of story in this ep. you see origials together and We get some info on Finn hating what he and his siblings are. Our first look into the self realization of "How moral am I?" by elijah and cole being..... well cole. Besides that we saw the beautiful brotherly sacrfice of damon for stefan so he wont go on the major deep end again. And the show finally fucking recognizes the amount of sacrifice that bonnie has had to endure and took a cool turn by not ignoring that and placing the blame rightly on elena. Not to mention that crazy cliffhanger at the end where amy shoots alaric. Great story progression but i think cuz you do like 10 other shows you're unable to remember the importance of all this. It sucks and is unfortunate but i'm glad you're still enjoying it


Esthers speech is a top 5 moments in the series for me. Bonechilling, kinda meta and absolutely amazing delivery.

Daniel R

Elena's status all the time: It's complicated.


There was an episode in s2 when Elijah explains to Elena that since Klaus is also a werewolf silver heals him, so the dagger would not work on him.

Shaun Kemmer

- Elena suddenly feeling guilty: First of all, she didn't know that Esther wanted to kill all of her children before she took Elena's blood. And after she didn't seem 100% comfortable with the situation, even if she was still going to go through with it. Sometimes you feel bad about something but go through with it anyway because, in its totality, it's for the better. And in this episode she didn't even go full 180 "I don't want to kill them", she just expressed her concern regarding Elijah not deserving it, and wondering if there's a workaround like Elijah had found for her when it came to the ritual in s2. - Confusion about Bonnie's mom/why one had to die etc: It was explained that Esther is drawing magic from the entire Bennett bloodline, and the connection is difficult to maintain, which is why she needs Bonnie and Abby, the bloodline made manifest. When Stefan corners Bonnie, she explains that even if Bonnie or Abby dies, Esther is channeling the entire Bennett bloodline, LIVING AND DEAD, so killing them does not do anything. Esther will still be able to draw magic from the Bennett line, which is why Stefan says that the only solution is "If one of you is no longer a witch" which is when I thought you'd realize that Abby won't be killed off, but will be turned into a vampire. They also then cut to Damon forcing Abby to drink his blood, which only makes sense in the scenario where he is turning her into a vampire. - Finn: Thinking he's boring or pathetic is fine, but his "suicide wish" makes sense. He mentions how he never liked what they are, likely agrees with Esther that their existence is an abomination, is a mamma's boy and as someone who never asked to be a vampire, who hates the fact that he is a vampire, but can never die because he's an original, it makes sense if he is willing to be the sacrificial lamb, to finally be free of the curse of living forever. - Klaus not being affected: Just because it seemed you didn't realize quite why he wasn't, it's because he's a hybrid, not because he's strong (unless that's what you meant by that.) He is vampire and werewolf, the dagger (temporarily) killed his vampire half, but he was still standing because of his werewolf half. That's why he clearly felt the effects of the dagger, but did not 'die'.

Shaun Kemmer

Also as a sidenote the apartment at the end with Ric is the doctor's apartment. She made some comment about it not being very clean cus it's not a priority for her.


Like they can think something is worth the sacrifice, but then realize that maybe it isn’t... Regardless, great reactions man. Keep it up!

Brianna Dawson

Klaus and Caroline are definitely the most interesting coupling on the show. Love your reactions to their scenes


They're both great actors, it just makes their chemistry and dynamic so engaging

Michelle Blkft

I totally understand the frustration over the unnecessary dramatics lol I get it. Elena irks me now and then for sure. But this is one time I think it’s important to remember she’s a freaking teenager vs 160 yr olds and 1,000 yr old vampires. She’s holding her own lol. And I’d like us to imagine what it would have been like when she was in the room with Esther and said, “no thanks! Have a nice night.” Then they hug and party for the rest of the evening and that’s that. Lol.. do you think Esther would have been peachy with Elena saying no? She was getting that blood one way or another. She was going to make sure Elena stayed quiet too.. so I think the teen vs 1000 murder mom went remarkably well. Elena wasn’t interested in pissing off a witch that already tried to kill her through Vikki. I’m on board with calling out the stupid dramatics. But I don’t blame a girl for trying to stay alive. She risked a lot by telling Elijah. Even he didn’t blame her. That’s my rant, I know I’m nobody haha I just couldn’t help it. I love your reactions and agree with a lot of what you say! Thanks for keeping us sane during tough/lonely times


Elena has lost her mother...father...(in an accident she survived) her biological mother and father....(both she saw die) and her aunt (who she saw murdered)....now tell me who gets hurt the most?????