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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Was so happy when I got the notification for this. I always enjoy hearing you predicting when I know the answers but can't say anything without spoiling them. All I can say is one more episode till s3b.

Nan A

Ice cold water slows down your heart rate...Loved your reaction this episode...the dad reveal is one of my favorites in this show!! And the deputy lady who died earlier, they mentioned that she was a teacher before she joined the sheriffs department. So she was taken as a philosopher..Also shooting bullets worked against the mountain ash. Mountain ash only protects you against anything supernatural..

Tendai kangas

Peter is very smart, but his motives are the ones that should be questioned.... I'll leave you with that haha. This episode was really good, the father reveal really set up what kind of person Scotts dad is. Stiles clearly does not like him. This show really sets up the future plot points SO WELL and I'm only realising this obviously watching this again. Can't wait for the next reactions! <3

Tendai kangas

the mountain ash only protects from the supernatural, for example when sheriff stillinski shot at the rope to save deaton, the bullet could go through but not Scott.

Tendai kangas

If you aren't too busy maybe tw could be doubled up some weeks? I understand if not I'm just obsessed with your reactions hahaha


Great ep I loved everything in it, I can't wait for ep 12

Amanda Winner

I have been waiting for that kiss!


So, they never really explained this (and they're not going to), but when they siphon someone's pain, *they* still feel the pain, even though it's a lesser level. Cora's pain probably hurts Derek more than usual because whatever it is that's hurting her was used specifically to hurt werewolves/the supernatural. Stiles mentioned that the deputy used to be a teacher, which put her into the "philosopher" category. Guardians, in this case, are parents. I hated Chris for sacrificing himself, but it made sense. He knew his survival skills may be able to help the group find them. Ice water slows the heartrate, making it a pseudo-death, which is probably why the water had to be so cold. As someone said above, mountain ash is only protection against supernatural creatures. Remember when Deaton was taken and Scott tried to push through the circle (giving us a glimpse of those red eyes)? The only way Deaton was saved was when the Sheriff shot the rope. So yeah, Deucalion's walking stick wouldn't have been a match. If Ms. Morrell hadn't fallen *through* the line and stayed in the circle, she still would've been safe from the Alpha Pack. Next is the 3a finale! So excited for you to see it as we gear up and get ready for 3b.

Marissa Brady

This was one of the best episodes. Everything was just about perfect. I loved the introduction to Scott's dad. It was so out of the blue. I love how by the end of the episode everything is coming together all at once. The acting was terrific from all of the characters as well. I can't wait for your next reaction.


This episode was just amazing. Following your reactions makes me nostalgic because I started to watch this show when I was 13... I'm about to turn 21 :( Season 3 is just amazing. Season 3 has two parts, you are on part a which ends with episode 12. Season 3b will start with episode 13. I love both but Season 3b will always be the best Teen Wolf Season (Season 3 in general). My Stydia heart stopped when I saw their kiss again :( I totally freaked when I saw this, I remember. I'm super excited for the further episodes.


STYDIAAAAAA that is all

Nan A

Teen wolf tomorrow pretty please? I know its not exactly posted every 7 days but please?

Sosa 007

Bruh you misunderstood like everything lol