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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Steve Quast

That is one of Supernatural's weaknesses is it gets stuck in a pattern when it comes to the brothers separating. But yeah, other than that, great episode. I actually like the Leviathans a lot. They're pretty interesting, and dangerous.

Steve Quast

PS I hope your eye gets better soon. Health issues suck, especially with the current state of things.


Thank you for doing your reaction to this episode. I’m sorry you are not having a good time with your eye. Hopefully some of the comedy on this episode helped make the time enjoyable. I love Leviathan Sam and Dean; equally evil and funny. And now they had to put Baby in a corner :(


I didn't actually know it was called Slash Fiction when I first watched this, I just thought they had put in the random Pulp Fiction diner scene.


I don't what was so weird about Jodi finding Bobby. Like she said she is a cop but she also knows about Rufus so it's not really a big stretch to look into stuff a find them because it's Rufus's old cabin.