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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


DJ Doena

Nocturnal animals are animals that mostly sleep during the day and are active during the night, like owls and bats

Amanda Logsdon

I honestly have no memory of this episode


I am about to watch this reaction but before I do I'll say that I am very sorry about your eyes, Steven. I really hope it's nothing too serious and we (especially I) understand you having to be late because your health is the #1 priority. Thanks for still trying to power through getting your watches through but your health is the main priority. Based on my memory of this episode, Lana have another stalker but this time it's a good boy stalker who turns bad if he's exposed to light and of course when I first watched this episode I was on Lana's side of not judging Bryon because I didn't see him any different from Clark... Clark had a telescope to spy in on Lana and also looked outfar at Lana from a graveyard in the Pilot. The only difference was that we knew Clark values and who he was as a person so it didn't come off creepy. Whereas with Bryon, we didn't know much about him and a lot of meteor-affected people have been a mess but I liked that in the end, they made him be a decent guy and not go on like a spree of wanting to kill people. So, can't wait to watch your reaction to this and I truly hope everything with your health is good and improves.

Ray D

It’s fine but nothing special. I see what they were going for as far as Clark keeping secrets from Lana vs how open Byron is. I guess it works but overall isn’t all that great. I think the most interesting thing is the Martha/Lionel stuff. That has potential to be more interesting down the road. I actually do like Sean Farris, the guy who plays Byron. He was the start of one of my favorite teen shows, Life of we Know It. It only lasted 1 season but it’s great. And he also was the star of a fun movie called Never Back Down, that is a sort of Karate Kid type story but for teen MMA. It’s very mid 00s but is decently fun.

Sonia Deepak

Hey Steven if your eye is still bothering you, you might want to try applying a warm wet compress to them (warm mind you, not hot, don't burn your eyelids). That's what my eye doctors recommended for my eye irritation. Applying it a couple times a day helps me so it might help. Regarding the old clothes and stuff, it seems the writers are trying tie theme of episode to the romantic era (1800-1850), which featured the poet Lord Byron, writers like Edgar Allen Poe, and books like Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstien and Dracula. Think overly romantic with a dark twist. It's an interesting take, though I'm not sure it's 100% successful in this episode. One angle I think they could added to end which would have been a cool twist is that they said earlier that the study Bryon was enrolled in was for "anti-social behavior". What if his evil day time personality is his real personality and the kind night personality was a result of the treatment? But I guess that was too dark.


Yeah this episode felt like it had to try really hard to get some drama going with Clark and a possible triangle with Byron and Lana. Flip the switch on Clark after last week he hooked up with the witness protection girl leaving Lana alone in the bar. Oh and yeah you recognized the actor. That's Sean Ferris. You may remember him from EVERY TEEN DRAMA EVER CREATED. (and I don't think I'm m exaggerating) he was in every WB/CW show playing 15-17 yra old for the last 15-20 years. I only liked this episode for the Lionel/Lex stuff but I always love that. Jon Glover is a tremendous actor and I love watching him. So much charisma.