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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rafael Lemus

I love Paul Scheer (bald man) so forking much. But the highlight of the episode for me is Gwendolyn; Nicole Byer is national treasure.


This episode is so perfect because this was a very eureka! moment for me. It's not a spoiler to say that Michael figured out why and it makes perfect sense. I love how smart this show is. Unintended consequences are so present in today's world as well, everything related to our development as a species makes the world so much more complicated. The example with the flowers is so important, you should really watch it again to realise the meaning. It's so incredibly smart that I had goosebumps for minutes after the episode ended because it makes so much sense.


While committees are important to allow multiple voices to be heard, the use of them also means change is slower than if you have one leader making a decision. The Good Place committee doesn't want to keep people out but rather is there as a commentary on committees in general and how if a committee is too wrapped up in procedure and making sure the "right decision" is made sometimes leads to no decision being made. Thus the Good Place's decision to take 400 years to pick a committee before then assigning a committee to confirm the first committee are the right ones for the job.


Good points. I also think that the Committee is a bit of political satire expressing frustration that "the good guys" (as they described themselves) can be frustrating, because their awareness that they have to set an example of goodness (especially in today's world of immediate-social-media-reaction) means that they try never to sound judgmental, they move slowly and carefully so as not to arouse criticism, they always take time to check that none of them have secrets or conflicts that might be publicly embarrassing, they're too ready to compromise and bargain away their principles. The result is that even for those with whom we agree, nothing ever gets done.