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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



This is the episode of season 1 I couldn’t wait for you to watch and I skipped to see your reaction of the end to make sure you got it and eventually you did! I’m about to watch the full reaction. Alan York situation totally adds up if you every rewatch his scenes. This guy who Teri is with is the one who called her asking about Kim and Janet’s whereabouts... so to me that means that this Alan impersonator probably met the real Alan, killed him and then looked for Teri’s phone number or had her phone number and used the perfect disguise seeing as how Kim sneaking out the home made life so easy. The scene that mostly gives it away is the scene from two episode ago, episode 1x04 when the officers pulls “Alan” over for speeding instead of being calm, he got very upset and when the officer was going to run his license and registration he got out of the car to confront the cop. At the time a lot just said he’s a bit aggressive however a very protective father but when you know the reveal, the whole perceptive changes.

Rafael Lemus

So satisfying watching the twist this episode work so effectively! I love 24 and although it's a serious drama it's also unintentionally hilarious, especially Jack. The amount of times the characters make a reference to time or bring up how tired they are is comical. The show loves doing it and I get a kick out of it every time.


Amazing reaction, you are awesome. I am kinda glad you are bad at predicting things because it makes for such a satisfying reaction when the lightbulb comes on. This is the first truly amazing twist in this series. Some people complain that there are too many twists, and I honestly cannot believe they complain about that. The twists in this show in almost every episode is what makes 24 so utterly addictive to watch. I just have one question. How can you stand the suspense of not watching the next episode right away?? Haha, you have some strength, I couldn't do it :))) I would probably record every episode ahead of time just to see what happens and edit the reaction later :D

Daniel R

Hell yeah, I was waiting for this one too. I was looking out for the signs too and they are there, this was the first major twist for me since I did not see it coming the first time around LOL

Daniel R

I love when reactors can't figure out the mystery, but when there's a group like Blind Wave they usually have that one detective in the group who figures it out like nothing (I'm watching Season 1 Dexter with them, I wish they did 24) and I'm like WHAT?! haha