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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Wow I don't remember this episode at all but I thought it was really good! I was invested the whole way through

Tammy L. Faulkner

They have a connection, yes, but I never saw it like a LOVE connection. His interest in her is mostly due to the IMPOSSIBLE GIRL that she seems to be, shes NOT possible. Yet, she is... SHE IS a mystery he can't solve, but he has known her, in his time he has already met and experienced her personality. She is UNIQUE to say the least... as you have already stated... she is easily OK with all this stuff she's seeing and not all that weirded out for too long. Clara IS my number one companion. She may have or develop a crush on the Doctor or not, but I really don't see them as having this feelings when I first watched this season. I just saw the SPECIAL connection and intrigued story they are going to tell. I wanted the mystery to reveal about Clara asap... and I knew I would love her just as much or more than I loved Donna. Can't wait for your reaction to the rest of the season.

Siti Dee

It was an ok episode for me. But the classic!who fans appreciated it particularly for the the ice warrior return. Most of the viewers was not satisfied by the ending and was kinda meh for it. But I'm glad you enjoyed it! The chemistry between the Doctor and Clara was off the charts! You just couldn't help but to ship them 🙊 Can't wait for the next two episodes, it's one of my favs of this season 😊


I think they like each other but they know it can't go past that. There is actually a short before the finale called She Said, He Said: A Prequel where they reflect on who the other is in their POV and it kind of explains what exactly their relationship is. I really like this episode because this is the episode everything gets real for Clara. She learns about the TARDIS translating, the fact that time is in flux and so just because she is from the future doesn't mean that she or the world is safe and that people can die. This was the first time she saw death and Clara freaked out a bit. I also loved the fact she actually stayed when the Doctor asked her to and his look of surprise when she actually listened. I also liked it when she asked him how she did. She wants his approval just like any companion, but she is more forefront about it. She wants him to accept her and wants to be like him. Honestly, I really love them. 11 and Clara have has to have the best chemistry since 10 and Donna, which is why Clara is my second favorite companion after Donna. The episode it self is really good. There are usually a "The Doctor and Companion are trapped somewhere with a monster lose" episode at least once a season, but this is honestly one of my favorites because you actually felt the stakes, plus it introduced an old race from the Classic Who era. And I really liked their design.

Sufyaan Kazi

Really liked this episode. I also felt it was a double coming of age for Clara, real realisation that Aliens kill and real people lose their lives and then second she steps up to 'be a companion'. Coming back to the death thing, we rarely see that emotion in other companions, kudos to Jenna Coleman.

Sufyaan Kazi

Agree on the feel the stakes, I think it was the moment when I thought oh I see you Jenna, you can act 👍🏼