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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



What watch guide do you look at? I would like to keep track because we haven’t had a Buffy episode since early November.

Stephanie Bedworth

I'm pretty sure it's this one. http://slayalive.com/showthread.php/3924-The-Buffy-Angel-watching-guide

Calvin Allen

Yeah they do need to lay off of Cordelia. She is my favorite character. Hurt someone else


I honestly don't get why are you so mad about Cordelia, she's a major character in a Tv Show about fighting evil. And she's the only one without fighting power, of course, a lot happened to her, otherwise, she would be a boring character. They can't make her a great fighter or suddenly giving her like a slayer power because that would be worse on the unrealistic scale. A lot of things happen to all characters. Also, this is a major plot point developing slowly since season 1, It's good TV. Honestly if you don't enjoy it anymore maybe you should at least switch your perspective.


West and Gunn don’t have powers. Also Willow and Xander on Buffy don’t have powers and I feel Cordy has had more abuse stuff done to her in 2 seasons than Willow and Xandwr combined


I fully agree with Steven and Cil. Especially if you’ve watched the entire five seasons of Angel the writing for the female characters is disappointing and somewhat offensive. I still love this show, but you can recognize that these things are present in a show and still watch it. He doesn’t need to look at it from a different perspective because someone doesn’t agree with his perspective. And how is LA more shady than a town built on top of a Hellmouth?


Of course you agree with Steven. We are not talking about Joss personal life or his other shows. We were just comparing Cordelia with other characters in danger including female ones. And the damsel in distress is just what it means, a female character in distress. In a show fighting evil, you would think there would be 'some ' distress wouldn't you? And if you don't get my comment about LA there's no point discussing it further.

Ray D

Charisma Carpenter is fantastic in this episode. I love how fiercely loyal Angel is to Cordy. He’d do whatever it takes to save her

Hanne-Marie Pedersen

"Ask FRED to take her home? Will FRED make it BACK?!" LMAO. Very good point.

Vicky N

Yes, I agree with you. Too much damsels in distress, to much mystical pregnancies in this show.