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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Maxwell Long

Lassy found out about Shawn and Jules at the end. They were keeping their relationship a secret from everyone but Gus and Henry.


Lassie was just in shock seeing and hearing Shawn and Juliette because their relationship isn't public yet.

Ted Cali

This is a real Return of the Jedi situation for me: perfectly enjoyable and very good if not great episode on its own, but a big disappointment compared to what came before and as a conclusion. They really wrote themselves into a corner with including that picture at the end of last season. Also seems like you forgot a few things at the wrap up: 1) Lassie is shook because he had no idea about Shawn and Jules and just caught them together 2) Yang said it was Romantic History, which was a clue about the professor 3) the big reveal in the tapes was the twist that Yang was just a victim in all of this, which... yeah, your mileage may vary, but it did have a point. Plus it’s always great to see Jimmi.


Sometimes I wonder if we're watching the same shows lol. This whole season Shules hid their relationship even in this episode Jules said something like "Mr. Spencer" out of nowhere I guess to hide how close they've gotten. And then that last scene wasn't at all supposed to be hidden meaning or difficult to pinpoint, Lassie finding out about them is supposed to be the 'cliffhanger' of the season and we got no kind of reaction, not implying it's a great cliffhanger, but at least it's something. Instead we get 'is lassie supposed to be losing it?'.


Okay so you also picked up the very creepy vibes that I got during this. I don’t know if they intended on having it take a very dark turn and decided against it but....yeah, I always got the vibe from this that she molested Shawn as a kid. He’s incredibly smart, detail oriented, and pretty much has a photographic memory...but he never remembers Yang or that house. They make it pretty clear she’s in love with him and has been obsessed with him for a long time despite only knowing him when he was a kid. I kind of wish they had just gone through with that instead of just hinting at it but I kind of get that it’s too dark for the tone of the show.