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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Paul Fisher

A good reaction but I think you missed Rufus' explanation of the "Christy pit." Flynn and his group didn't steal a bomb - they just removed the plutonium core (which is known as the "Christy pit" because it is in the center, like the pit in cherries or other fruit.) So now Flynn does not have anything explosive but he does have a few kg of plutonium.

Mark Wood

JFK, oh yeah he had mistresses, multiple. He was a bit of a manwhore (Both his father and his brother's Bobby and Teddy all had issues with being unfaithful). But in fairness a good chunk of our presidents have had affairs. He also had a lot of medical issues, and as such was often taking significant medication, some believe far more than what should have been prescribed.

Ray D

The reason that Lucy’s life changed after the pilot but no one else’s has was explained last episode. Lucy’s family were on the Hindenburg and because of that, the man that she thought was her father turned out never to have been born (he was Lucy’s sister father and that’s why Lucy’s sister now no longer exists). But most of these missions won’t change the crews lives because they won’t direct the or their relatives directly.