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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I love the next 2 seasons of buffy season 7 for me is amazing. Plus season 6 has one of the best episodes of the entire show :) very excited for u to continue



Ghost Mom

Yes Fred always had the accent. Was possibly less noticeable when she was a crazed/panicked slave, plus you're used to Root who doesn't have the accent, but, Root is from Texas; and it should be noted, likely not a coincidence as Amy Acker is also from Texas. I've not watched all of your Angel reactions as I originally came here for POI but I've certainly been excited for you to get this far because I knew how much of a Root fan you were, so it's fun seeing you giddy about her here. It's funny watching you see things in reverse; since this was the show that made me a fan of Amy Acker and she only became more of a favorite once she showed up on POI ofcourse. I know you'll love her here too. Its almost perfect timing really since you're almost done with POI now you get more Amy Acker regardless.

DJ Doena

Slight real-world info: From this season on, there won't be any casual Angel-Buffy crossovers anymore, because them being on different networks, they didn't allow for it.

Ray D

It’s impossible to not fall in love with Fred. She’s adorable. And yes she’s always had an accent Something to keep in mind, Starting with this episode, Buffy and Angel are now on two different networks. I feel like this episode of Angel, the show’s way of kind of moving past the Buffy/Angel relationship for now because of the different networks. The network that Angel is on, The WB, basically cancelled Buffy after season 5. UPN saved it for season 6, but you have to think that The WB now not having Buffy, wanted Angel to move on and be it’s own thing. You might have noticed that they don’t even say Buffy’s name most of the episode. As for the episode itself? I’m not a huge fan. The comparison of James/Elizabeth to Angel/Buffy is a little bit too on the nose. I’d prefer a little more subtlety. Plus I don’t feel any connection to James and Elizabeth as characters despite them trying with the flashbacks. They just feel like generic brand replacement Spike and Dru. I love Cordy and Angel scenes (actually all of the Cordy scenes really are great). And the Fred stuff is pretty adorable. Great shock ending with Darla. But the meat of this story with James is just bleh for me.


Though they're on different networks, still really recommend you watch the Buffy episodes before the Angel episodes. The timing works better that way I think.


the start of my favorite angel season. you're in for a wild ride! also, i love that you're already loving fred. she's a great addition to the show. <33

Nica Marie

I disagree as Angel premiered weeks before Buffy. I think the scheduling comes down to the WB being petty.

saydez w

steven just watch the angel and buffy shows the way you have been watching them cause you will get confused if you don't


This season is where Angel really gets awesome, imo. And I love how much you already love Fred. Yes, she always had the accent, but it becomes much less pronounced pretty quickly.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Not really... no details about the episode in reference. Besides, he could end up hating whatever episode she's talking about.

Tammy L. Faulkner

My Angel seasons faves to least faves... 3 5 2 1 4 Personally, I think 4 can fade into nothing and I'd be ok with it... that's not a spoiler right? Just my POV on the season.


I think all of the seasons have their lows and their highs. Season 4 has some really cool episodes in it, although I also like 3 and 5 more as a whole.