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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Hey Brian, you're knocking out these reactions. I love it. You're doing a great job.

Josh Lomax

Really great reaction! Love that someone's doing BBT. Its the best modern day sitcom in my opinion. Keep up the good work.


Welcome to one of the best series ever made, it's so much fun even if you don't understand science


The problem with this show is that it starts strong, but for it's 12 seasons it jumps the shark pretty quickly and with the addition of two later characters everything becomes two much. The characters become insufferable, especially the characters added later on and it affects the entire show. First few seasons are good though.

Mara Smith

YESSSS . Oh this show gets funnier and better!! ❤️❤️❤️

DJ Doena

Oh wow, haven't watched this in ages. The first seasons were the best.

DJ Doena

I don't mind the later characters as much as I don't like the over-exaggeration of Sheldon's traits with each season. He gets more extreme as time moves on. This is an unfortunate trope of many sitcoms. Just look at Joey from Friends. In season 10 he was almost too dumb to live. The trope is called "Flanderization".


I’m no genius but what I took from what Sheldon said was that Penny is a person that believes personalities are based on one’s zodiac sign, which is kind of what she was saying when she said she was a Sagittarius and that tells them a lot about her. Also I really liked ur reaction and hope you’ll keep watching. Ive watch a few episodes but never really sat down to watch it so it would be my first time watching this too.


Agreed. For me it was the over-exagerratiom of the annoyance level especially with a couple of characters that are not yet in the show


Love the show, hope you continue it!

Valencia Lanier

I voted for this show!! I just recently finished the series. I’ve always enjoyed this show. It always makes me laugh. Watched a lot of the early seasons in reruns. Never saw a reaction to it though.


I'm so excited you are reacting to this! I love BBT! As a fan of your brothers, your reactions are just as good! You are a real pro and I look forward to seeing more in the future!

Alyssa Velazquez

I guess in general. The additional characters are awesome. And Sheldon’s character growth was impeccable and hilarious. I think Penny was the worst one out of all of them and even her character wasn’t THAT bad.


I largely agree here. I am a huge Mayim Bialik fan so I actually really like her character. I won't go into too many specifics but there's a couple of characters that I really grow tired of as this series progresses. I loved it in seasons 1-4, but I completely dropped the show around season 7. Weird for me to think that that's only about half of the show. I still find some of the the early stuff funny but some of it isn't nearly as funny as I used to think it was when I was like 18-19 years old.

Kalah Dolman

Hi, I’m new here and also enjoy his reactions. Can you tell me where I can find his brothers reactions as well? I’d love to check them out.


been watching since i was 13 still watching and im almost 23 definitely top 3 favorite shows for me