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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Stefan Davis

Great reaction!!!!.........Season 2 really gets the ball rolling and you will really start to be invested in all the characters.....I said this before this show does a great job combining mini arcs with the overall arc for the seasons which not many shows do well consistently


yesss we're in season 2 now !! enjoy the ride - it's amazing :)

Ted Cali

Overall, I think this is the best season of the show. Not to do a disservice to some of the great stuff that comes later, but everything here just works and builds upon itself.

Amanda Winner

I just love this episode, starts the whole shebang for the season with Hardman, Jessica knows, Trevor and Jenny are out of the picture

Stefan Davis

No you maybe right this season is definitely easiest to follow for sure


For me, Season 2 and Season 5 tie for best season. Both equally good for different reasons though. Love the character development in each season though.


What makes me laugh is it could be a different Jenny... how awkward could that be??? Trevor was out of town for a long time, Mike could have met some whole other Jenny