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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I love seeing your face, like WTF, same as in the finale, well, I guess you'll now have to meet the said Leviathan. It was nice to have a second episode 😁

Calvin Allen

They are not pretending that Cas didn't make those choices. Everything he did they acknowledge was his choice. Most of this episode all the people he kills are his choice. Also Dean didn't say that Cas was still in there, it was Sam and Sam was is portrayed as the eternal optimist (mostly). As far as this episode, Dean is still pissed at Cas, he ordered Death to kill him.

Mark Wood

Dean was in Hell for what each month was what roughly a decade plus (so close to 40 years) most of that he was tortured, until he broke and started torturing new souls in hell. Sam was in Hell, but the deepest pit of it, locked in a Cage with just Lucifer, Michael and Jake for like 120 years or so. Now of course his time would be determined by who controlled it. I don't think Michael would torture Jake (he didn't do anything to him), but Michael would be pissed at Sam. And Lucifer would take out every bit of anger he had on Sam. It would be I am going to torture Sam for every second. There would be no offer to hey the torture will stop if you start torturing others (not really others to torture), and he would want Sam to suffer for eternity.


Honestly, you just have to power through season 7 cause it’s not their best imo. But they redeem themselves moving forward in season 8


I love season 7. Leviathan was the most interesting monster. No idea what are you talking about.


Yeah, that part was weird I was like, what show were you watching?? :))) Dean was in a luxury spa compared with where Sam was. LOL


I may understand why you feel this opener is pointless because you didn't really get season 6, including Cass's motivations and corruption but it really was the best way to introduce the Leviathan into the show as well as having an awesome storyline with Cass as God. Even when I knew it was going to last one episode, I still get chills every time I watch season 6 ending with Cass saying, I am your new lord.

Mike Watkins

Yeah, I think season 7 is terrible overall. A few solid episodes for the monster of the week stuff, but the leviathan plotline is probably the worst one of any SPN season. At this point, I'm just looking forward to when we get to season 8. Hopefully we can manage to get through 7 pretty quickly.


No one is forcing you to watch .. or comment.


Wow I love s7. There are some great episodes but I guess to each their own.


loved this episode im a little bummed you didn't but its cool. Not everyone likes season 7. For me its one of my favorites! Cant wait for the next reaction.


It was Sam. I am starting to think he watches half the episodes & doesn't really pay attention at all.


We all have different opinions I suppose, s7 is not my favourite at all but I still think it is far beyond s6.


The episode is a bit of housekeeping, and a setup. It ends the war in heaven so they don't have to worry about that, with Cass wiping out any supporters that might try and continue it. It ends the op Cas plot line and restores everything back to purgatory - except the new series arc which will be the Leviathans which held on and are now loose. It brings Crowley back into things, back in hell as normal. Cas was not necessarily evil to start with just very corrupted with power, everything he had gone through with the war, and everything he had gone through by following free will and ending the apocalypse. It was a culmination of all of that which ended with him believing he needed to take control and end everything bad. And it was not Cas that killed the innocent people at the end, the souls inside took control briefly which is why he woke up with everyone dead.

john segun doe

I have to strongly disagree. I loved the addition of leviathans. The whole demon/angel things was being overused and they needed to go a different direction. Its not my fav but its still really good/different

john segun doe

yah i always thought he brushed over cas and his inner struggle which like you said was the biggest reason for him being upset with the season opener


It wasn't pointless at all and sometimes things just get resolved in an episode I don't personally see the problem with that.Other things are spread out of the course of several episodes. Its funny because sometimes you are like I wish this or that happened which sometimes ends up being things they haven't shown or explained yet but you seem to want them to wrap it all up in this one episode and then other stuff you say they did this thing and ended it by the end of the next episode so that sucks. It's like the things the writers want to wrap up and move on from are the things you want spread out and the things they are trying to spread out are the things you want resolved all at once. lol. Cas was corrupted by the power and went on a "justice spree" for a while and then realized he was wrong only for the Levitations to hold on and take over at least for now and I guess we then have to wait and see what happens next since it is only you know ep 1 of the season. It's called a cliffhanger. Like I don't why they didn't trap Lucifer back in his cage in 5x1 or you know like kill the yellow eyed demon in the pilot (I say sarcasticlly). The Cas God thing was always meant to be a short temporary thing the whole last season was actually building to the Levitation. The Cas God thing was just a catalyst for that to happen.