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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Clay W

Great reaction as always, but I cannot wait for you to get to the next three episodes!


are you going to be reacting to the flash when it catches up with the arrow?


As much as you don't like the romance in the show it is going to play a factor. Not because these are CW shows necessarily, but because these are based on comic books. And there is not a single notable comic book hero that didn't have one major and many minor love interests. Clark had Lois, Batman had Catwoman, and Aquaman had Mera. So this show does highlight romance as well for many characters.

Stefan Davis

Great reaction!!! I totally agree with you getting away from the Laurel stuff was so refreshing

Phillip Grischa

Right, what people sometimes forget is that superhero comics have a lot of soapy relationship drama. Take the Cyclops/Phoenix/Wolverine love triangle for example and all the drama when Cyclops had an affair with Emma Frost. Peter Parker's love life is a massive part of the Spider-Man lore and the fate of the Peter/Mary Jane marriage has been one of the most controversial topics of the last 10+ years. Or Batman, casual fans often think of him as a brooding loner but that isn't actually true, the movies tend to portray him as one but in the comics Robin was introduced less than a year after Batman's first appearance and since then the massive Batman family has played a significant part in Bruce's life. Batman endured because he was never a lonely dark knight, there were other comic characters who were like that and they have all long been forgotten because what the audience really wants are personal relationships.

Laugh Data

I often think this, when people consider romances as unnecessary in comic-based shows.


Yea I agree that people focus too much on the expectation that they are these dark, violent and broody characters. Which is true, but the romance and family woven throughout the story has always been where the comic writers fleshed the characters out to make them more than just one-dimensional heroes. The story of Oliver Queen is an example of that 100% as is Clark Kent and even the Flash. So...just be prepared for it to be a focal point, not going to say with who or even if there are many love interests but keep it in mind!