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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I think he did that because he knew his son was gay and it was nonsense. I don't think Burt did it due to the homosexuality. We'd have to consider him a liar, otherwise.


Blame it on the alcohol is one of my least favourite episodes of the whole show as Kurt and Rachel are very biphobic in the episode. I will start with kurt as in the episode kurt gets angry when blaine says that he liked the kiss and might be bi at which point kurt turns around and says that “bisexual is a term that gay guys used when they want to hold girls hand” saying stuff like that is very degrading to the bi community as kurt is saying and acting like people who are bi like myself don’t exist. The worst part of this episode is that the show treats it like because Kurt has a crush on Blaine that he is in the right to say the things he says and that because when rachel kisses blaine at the end of the episode and blaine replies with that he is 100% gay that everything kurt did in the episode is ok when it is anything but. Ryan Murphy treats it like Kurt is the hero and that we should all feel sorry for him when he is the one making degrading comments towards the bi community. Rachel herself is biphobic in this episode as she acts like blaine can only be gay or straight. Sending messages like these to an potentially young audience such as teenagers that you can’t be bi and if you say you are lying is very damaging and it could affect their mental health. So yeah this episode is very biphobic and the way they treat it like being biphobic is ok if you have a crush on somebody who says they might be/are bi. It’s why i don’t accept the excuse that kurt didn’t really mean it he was just jealous and it’s ok cause he turned out to be right which a lot of people use to defend kurt when it’s like yes kurt was clearly jealous but that in no way excuses kurt for saying biphobic comments and acting all smug at the end of the episode.


Hi david I'm just gonna mention one small thing cuz molly already mentioned most of my thoughts. The comment u made about blaine "taking it there" I didnt like cuz kurt was being extremely biphobic saying that bi people are just gays being afraid and blaine had the right to get mad at kurt for that. If someone would have been homophobic towards kurt you wouldnt expect kurt to just stand there and say nothing. My point is that kurt and rachel were so bad and for your information im not a Kurt anti I love him, I'm just saying as a bi person this ep is very hurtful and kurt and rachel were in the wrong


This episode makes me so angry for it's biphobia, just like Diya and Molly said Kurt was being biphobic basically because he straight up said bisexual people don't exist. As someone who is bisexual it is extremely hurtful to hear. Blaine 100% had the most appropriate response to kurt, so I didn't view it as "oh hes really taking it there" I viewed it as Blaine standing up for bisexual people. I didn't like how in the end Kurt was satisfied by hearing Blaine come to terms with the fact that he is indeed gay. I was so happy for Blaine coming to terms with his sexuality but not how Kurt reacted to it. Rachel is just as biphobic but it isnt as prominent as Kurt's so people don't really notice, she basically also think's he can be either gay or straight and that's it. I love Kurt with my whole heart and he is my favorite character, but there is just no way his biphobia can be defended. Hopefully you read what we all have to say and understand it better :)


100% diya but also i didn't like how david laughed when rachel and kurt were talking about her date with blaine and kurt was making snide remarks about blaine being gay as it felt disrespectful to me as kurt is basically saying that people who are bi don't exist with those snide remarks


Yeah tagging onto what everyone else said, I don’t want to keep repeating the same things, but Kurt and Rachel were so out of line in this episode. I understand being jealous and hurt but getting mad straight up telling Blaine that bi people don’t exist when your friend tells you he’s questioning, is disgusting. Rachel acting like if Blaine likes her then the only option is that he’s straight and going after her friends crush is also gross. Then at the end they played it off like Kurt was right for his behavior because Blaine is actually gay. Also going off what some others said. It was frustrating to see you not really have an issue with Kurt’s behavior and then at the end kind of defend him by said he was trying to explain to Blaine that he felt the way he did because he was drunk. Kurt lashed out at Blaine for questioning himself and nobody should ever do that. Kurt could have kindly suggested that Blaine maybe felt the way he did because he was drunk and then supported Blaine going out on a date with a girl to figure it out for himself, but yelling at him the way he did was wrong. I love Kurt. He and Blaine are my favorite characters and I understand being impatient and wanting them together, but we can’t excuse things that are wrong just because we love them. ❤️❤️❤️


btw I hope u address this in the next video cuz we want u to understand why kurt and rachel were soo wrong

Corey R Valeary

Are you gonna react to more glee today?

I Am Not Chamari

Completely agree on what everyone said about the rampant biphobia this episode. However, I ultimately think you were fair about how you painted the Kurt/Blaine plotline this episode, because you said you don't really have a right to be mad at him. Additionally, in terms of songs that warn about the danger of alcohol, Sia's Chandelier comes to mind, but people still think of it as a party song lol (And obviously that song wasn't out when this episode aired).


So how did everyone like the rest of the episode😹 , Oh and the most that could happen doesn't stop at preggers dude there are potential Std that could also happen? I'm 100% on Burts side in this one lol


I know everyone has said their piece about this episode but I have too as well because where do I even begin on how extremely problematic this episode is. Kurt was extremely biphobic in this episode & it was very unsettling & frustrating. I love Kurt so much but the way he acted this episode was soooo upsetting & disappointing. Kurt out of all people should know how important it is when you’re coming to terms with your sexuality & the fact that he judged Blaine & made fun of him for possibly being bi is just dead wrong. Also him & Rachel betting on which way Blaine was gonna go was also very disgusting. I really hate how the writers tried to justify Kurt in what he did too smh, biphobic much? Anyways, I understand you’re not well versed in the LGBTQ+ community so sometimes things that may not seem major to you are actually really big & important but I’m glad that there are people on this platform that can educate you & make you aware because we all gain our knowledge from somewhere!

Tammy L. Faulkner

Ok... THIS was night a favorite of mine. I actually had forgotten all about it to be honest. Ok... NOW we get to the GOOD stuff. Not that this episode didn't have a good moment or two. I loved Will and Shannon's relationship in this ep, and... yeah, ok, that's it. Everything else was just blah.


I’m not 100% on Burt’s side. I agree that he should set boundaries and it was right for him to request that Kurt ask permission before having a sleepover or Kurt should’ve explained what happened right after Burt saw them, but I agree the Burt was only uncomfortable because Blaine was a gay guy. When Kurt and Brittany were making out and Kurt told him they were going to have sex, Burt just walked away and said “use protection”. Definitely a double standard there.

Aaron Lopez

I love Rachel 💕

Karsten Hase

as a Bisexual i can proudly say : Kurt is a terrible person ... SEXUALITY IS FLUID


When is the next ep dropping?

Clay W

This episode was funny for the most part, but Kurt's comments about bisexuality was so disrespectful. Kurt doesn't usually infuriate me like Rachel does, but being bi myself, that really pissed me off.


Being bi myself I got a little offended by watching this episode. I love Kurt and I love Rachel, but the way they were written in this episode made me a little mad to be honest.