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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I don't think Lindsay broke up with Ryan? Just kind of said she would try to focus on her relationship with Caleb more and her and Ryan will have to wait a little bit. Or maybe you didn't mean they literally broke up.


Kirsten's face at the end 😬


Lol your reaction to Caleb having a heart attack was F U N N Y


Lindsay is just annoying and the storyline with Caleb just proves she is too trusting.. a dud of a character in my opinion but anyways the season picks up soon and gets good! these few episodes in my opinion are the worst of this season

Alexis Cardarella

Honestly, when you first started laughing at Caleb, I was like, “Don’t... no..” But when your laughing just increased, I started loosing it. I actually have ambiguous feelings about Caleb. I think he’s a narcissistic capitalist dirt bag. ..but in terms of being a dad, he usually has good intentions.. but he’s also still a pretty shitty dad considering his priorities to work and his image. But he does have a soft side where he’s actually self reflective and self deprecating.. That makes me think he’s redeemable- as a dad at least. I love the actor and his acting too.


Completely agree about Marissa and Alex, every time they are on screen together I cringe so hard... I never knew why but I think you put it in perspective perfectly when you say that this situation was so forced. Also, Marissa's attitude annoys me, it's like Alex brings out the worst in people, first Seth, now Marissa, and both are acting around her like they have to prove something to her.


Also speaking about that Marissa and Summer scene, how she compared the moment she and Alex had vs Summer and Seth, I never noticed the comparison. How one couple had all the electricity in the world, and the other it's just cringy and a world away. Also, I almost had a heart attack myself laughing at you laughing at Caleb hahaha.

Molly C

I don't get why you said it would be bad if marissa dates alex but then goes back to Ryan? She can be bisexual and into Alex and also still have feelings for Ryan that are unresolved

Alexis Cardarella

He’s not biphobic, he’s afraid the producers are not doing this arc with the best intentions, specifically, them not having good intentions for the character. That she’s been through enough turmoil. That they’ll make it a short term thing that’ll cause unnecessary upheaval/pain and/or trauma for the character.

Alexis Cardarella

I have to disagree- even though the plot is a little obvious and forced, I LOVE their chemistry together.


Well having Marissa have more problems than the other characters is pretty realistic IMO. In my group of friends I have had the most troubled life. Some people just get more shit handed than others.


So there's a lot of context around Marissa getting with Alex. This was a big thing at the time, gay relationships weren't really shown on teen TV. I'm pretty sure the producers really wanted to do it justice and wanted to keep Alex on longer than she ended up being on the show. But it seemed like they did have good intentions and just wanted to show Marissa relying on someone outside of Ryan and her dad. It is sad Alex did become a stepping stone for the plot in the back third of the season. But I think Marissa's actress specifically gave some decent performances. She's a lot better acted compared to the first season imo.