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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rancel W Heredia

T-bag was taken by the company earlier in Mexico. You ask who he is working for. It's the company which is the corrupt organization that Kim works for and kellerman used to work for. They are not feds. Those two guys that were guarding t-bag are also part of that organization. Just to clarify


If he hasn't figured it out by now, he's clearly not reading any of what we've been telling him. Would take reading one post at best to be up to speed on who The Company is.


When it comes to specifics on the episode I don't try to read into it. I look for opinions and if I need clarification on something. This government company has seemed to be kept a secret for a reason for a big reveal. I figured it had to do with the secret service guys Kellerman worked for but didn't really pay as much mind to it since that's not the part of the story I'm into.

Quinn Sliter

Love prison break so much. Based off what you said about how you thought it would be more about breaking out of prison, I think you will enjoy season 3, even tho it does have a lot of weird plots to the story.


I think when it all comes down to it, it's not particularly shocking for someone to be expecting that a show called Prison Break would be about a prison break. The general consensus is that season 1 was amazing, probably because that's all the show's creators has planned on when they came up with the idea. They had to flesh it out as they went, hence what we've gotten so far in season 2.


Well you all but admitted youre half paying attention because you're not interested (not the best look for someone who literally gets paid to react and pay attention). And still making it seem like the company has been a mystery when it hasn't been since season 1. We provided clarification and still you ask "who are these guys?". Look, aint trying to be dick. But honestly the least we ask for is simply follow to the story. I don't think that's too much to ask for something that's on a 10 dollar tier. Especially when we go out of our way ro explain it without spoilers.

Zack Meaney

Can’t wait for the finale