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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



All the Luke/Jess scenes in this were hilarious XD

Tanice Coates

this might be against popular belief but I don't think Jess was really that bad during the dinner but I still laugh when he goes in on Jess cause he did open my eyes to how Jess could be pretty bad/ a jerk


I think Jess was just in a terrible situation here - he either comes to the dinner with a black eye or he breaks his promise and doesn't come. And Rory kept pushing on how he got hit, which he clearly didn't wanna talk about. Yes, he should've probably just explain to avoid being rude, but that's not how Jess is wired. And Emily wasn't gonna like him regardless. And yes, while I totally understand why you don't really like Jess, maybe sometimes keep an open mind - he does some good things too.

Tendai kangas

I really like Jess and Luke together, and the swan thing was so funny. but I get that the fight and everything sucked


I think this was just a lose lose situation for Jess. Rory would not have believed Jess if he had told the truth when he came in and a fight would’ve happened anyway. Yes, Jess could’ve tried harder to be in a good mood at dinner but it would’ve went a lot smoother if Rory would’ve dropped the subject until after dinner. I think the one thing that you can see from this episode is that Jess is insecure. He tells Luke he doesn’t know why Rory picked him and you can see he doesn’t want to look weak to Rory. I will agree that Jess is not a great boyfriend. He needs to work on his issues and had a lot of growing up to do. But there is a lot of growth with him from season 2. Yes he’s still got an attitude but he’s not pulling pranks and getting into fights and stuff the way he was. He still has a lot of growing he needs to do but he’s not as awful as you make him out to be. But I do agree he’s not a great boyfriend and I like his relationship with Rory but I more prefer them as friends.

Mariella Nilsson

Don’t get how jess was in a hard place, he just had to say he was attacked by a swan! Nothing to be embarrased by,swans can be vicious!


I mean, Luke didn’t waste any time making fun of him for it lol

Mariella Nilsson

He treats her like trash so now she wants to sleep with him. Yeah that unfortunatly sounds about right..when you are Young and stupid and don’t have a father around or anyone else keeping douchbags away!


Lorelai's not being brutally honest and critical about Jess to Rory because she doesn't want to push Rory away, and make her feel like she can't talk to her about it. She figures it's better to know what's going on with her daughter - even if she hates it - than to do that. I love the way Lauren Graham plays it because you can tell it's KILLING her to constantly have to bite her tongue and not give her opinion whenever the topic comes up. And I'm 100% with both you and her on Jess but that's not new, lol.


Okay, I get that you don't like Jess, but the phone call, that made you mad was actually a loooooooooooot calmer and understanding then how Dean would have behaved (and actually behaved) in the situation. Of course Jess is jealous and of course he is fed up with the situation, but that's just because Rory is always comparing him to her ex which is not good :D But I love that you have a different take on this then I do :D

Tammy L. Faulkner

Jess was not the rude ass in this one... he tells Rorry to leave it alone AND when she wouldn't stop he said is wasn't Dean. It's an embarrassing situation for Jess and dealing with it wasn't easy. You have blinders on when it comes to Jess... he's not a piece of trash he's just not Dean. He doesn't make great decisions just like most his age, but he tries... he didn't really HAVE go to the dinner but she begged him too. You couldn't hate him THAT much BTW, he makes you laugh just as much as anyone else in the show... you have to admit... he has grown a little from when he first appeared.

Dave Lemmens

It's OK to not like Jess. You're not supposed to like him at first, he changes during the show (and he has been changing already, you just don't see it). But the constant Jess bashing is getting a little bit old. It spoils my fun at watching your reactions. We get it, you don't like him. You will never like his character. Please stop calling him an asshole every five seconds. I really enjoy your reactions to this show in general, and I want to keep watching, but it's come to the point where I skip the scenes with Jess in it.


Jess deserves more credit in this episode his attitude was justified. He was upset and he did want to make it a nice night for Rory but shit happens and he didn't want to go through with it. He lit told Rory not to push him on the issue she should've believed him immediately. Jess was the way he was because Rory pushed into not believing him putting Dean over him. that would piss anyone off. He was polite as he could be to Emily but Rory pushed it and pushed it they could've had a nice evening if she would've let it go.


I agree that Jess as his faults and there's a reason not to like him but let's be real here Rory was pushing him and making him insecure. That's why he act's like he does. He cares about Rory and you could see he wanted the night to go well for her. He was there to have dinner and be with her but she kept pushing him. He got angry and then he saw her picture and realize that she's clearly not the type to be with him.


I don't think he was either. Rory pushed him if you pay attention to his body language he wanted to come to dinner for Rory he wanted a nice dinner for her because he knew it was important to her. but then Rory brought up Dean and that was what through him over the edge it's sensitive subject because he doesn't understand why she would've choosen him he lit tells this to luke.

Stephanie Bedworth

I don't mind that he doesn't like him and rants about him from time to time. He can be a hard character to enjoy at this point in the show, especially for first time watchers. Sometime though (like in this reaction) it feels like he's putting down people who do happen to like the character and that's not a nice feeling.

Other Boy Reactions

Rory had no reason to believe Jess even if he told her the truth, but he still should have told her. He has a history of getting into fights so of course she assumed. All he had to do was tell her the truth, but because he wouldn’t tell her anything it made Rory think he was hiding something like a fight with Dean. I like Jess later, but it’s so entertaining to see Steven hate him since he’s a very frustrating character at this point.


why are you commenting on every (even slightly) Jess-pro comment? :D It's OK not to like him, but that's a lot of effort for hating on somebody fictional :D

Michel Stephany Garces

I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks Jess was absolute basura! Like my mans was always so rude, he never really had good communication with Rory, he was a trashy boyfriend overall ... Out of all Rory's relationships, her and Jess' were my least favorite

Mariah Fallon

Its one thing not to like Jess but my issue is it feels like your issues with him biases you against the storytelling. Jess messed up in this episode but so did Rory and she did not respect his boundaries. Also it's one thing for a character to be bad at being a boyfriend and another thing to not understand that a character with a lot of trauma is an interesting character for people to follow.