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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Good, the Bad, and the Crispy- I absolutely enjoy this episode, and I give it a 10 for sure. Although, I think this finale is probably my least favorite of all the seasons' finales. But I certainly don't mean to say that this episode is bad by any means. Because it's really amazing. I just feel that so far season one's finale... Take Me Back to Hell, is a little stronger and more entertaining for me, as are season three's finale and season four's finale too. But for season two overall... this episode is one of my favorites, and season two as a whole is my favorite season, along with season four. Lucifer comes to really understand Chloe's words to him earlier about him taking steps backwards in their partnership and friendship when he continues to refuse to open up to her and tell her the whole truth, which I absolutely love. Because I love the look of realization on his face about how going backwards isn't good for anyone, which is exactly what Charlotte would be doing if she were to fight her way back into Heaven to start another war between her and her husband, that would eventually destroy them and their family. I love how Lucifer tells her it's time for them both to move forward, as he raises the blade over her as if to strike her down, only for him to suddenly slice a hole into their world and into another that is a blank state. Where Charlotte can retire to so she too can move on with her life and build herself a new world, even if it is without her children, now that Lucifer is refusing to help her get back into Heaven. A world that she can form into her own creation without God, and sadly without her children, given that it is her only choice she's got if she wants to live. I love hearing Charlotte admit that the last thing she wants is to hurt her children any further, after Lucifer finally helps her to understand that returning to Heaven would only cause a great war and end with casualties. I absolutely love how Lucifer assures her he knows she never really wanted to hurt him or he rest of her children, and I love that because he is known to be the Lightbringer, Lucifer then states, "Let there be light!" And lastly... my final favorite moment comes in the very end of the episode, as we see Lucifer lying half naked in the desert, after having been left there by whoever kidnapped him from outside of the hospital, and I love the mystery left open for us. Especially when it's revealed his wings have somehow been returned to him upon seeing them spread open wide, protruding from his back. And man... he looks awful after having been left in the desert to be baked by the sun, but what a phenomenal shot upon seeing him standing there with his wings out. What a cliffhanger!! :) Thank you so much for your reaction for this incredible season finale, Steven and David!! I am so excited for you to continue on! There is lots of goodness to come. :) So, until season three, my friends... Stay healthy and be happy! Oh... as for my absolute favorite episodes throughout season two... I love Weaponizer, Monster, Stewardess Interruptus, Love Handles, A Good Day to Die, and The Good, the Bad, and the Crispy. And then... Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire, My Little Monkey, Trip to Stabby Town, Homewrecker, Quid Pro Ho, and God Johnson all come in very close. I would love to know what episodes are each of your favorites as well, Steven and David. As well as to anyone else who wishes to answer. Thank you again!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Zack Meaney

Loved the music in this episode! 9/10 for me