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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



John broke up with her because of what Stanton had said. Remember that scene about Stanton and Reese discovering the money stashed Duncan's suitcase? It isn't Machine's flashback, it is Reese remembering that conversation. A conversation about how they are as good as they are because they have nothing and nobody to fall back to. You see the parallels?


Season 5 has a lot of ups and downs, this is a down, I think the Iris break up was just a quick and dirty way to get rid of her and not leave it open form last season what happened to her. She was not a fan favorite and because they where not sure at the start of filming if they where going to get canceled or not I think they didn't have a long term plan for her, so they just wanted to officially show her going away and move on.


Sadly Reese's relationship and the end of it were rushed because of the shortened season 5. Once the show was shortened to thirteen episodes in order to reach the lucrative 100 episode syndication deal the show's fate was sealed. The producers had to rush the remaining episodes and storylines to finish everything out. This is one of those that got left by the wayside.


this is pretty much the only down. Only ups from here.