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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Siti Dee

Heck yeah! Season 7 is one of my fav season with the 11th Doctor! Lets gooooo

Doctorwhoinfinity (Dor Cohen)

Season 7 was designed to be a series of one hitter stories that’s why it feels like a special

Dani C

Rory was a robot (nestene duplicate) until the Doctor reset the universe at which point time was reset and the whole thing with Rory becoming plastic never happened - however, because of timey wimey stuff and Rory's proximity to the centre of the explosion he can remember that other life (as can Amy, River and the Doctor) - so as he explained to the Doctor back in ep 2 of s6, it's like a door in his head that he can remember that other life, but mostly he doesn't. Similarly, when River visits Amy in the garden at the end of S6 and tells her the Doctor isn't dead, Amy is troubled by her actions in 'an aborted timeline that never happened' because she can remember killing Madame Kovarian


Oswin would have made a great companion!

Dani C

I know right? Add her to that growing list of awesome couldabeen companions who didn't survive the episode.

Casey Mead

yay so glad you are on season 7 seasons 5&6 are my least favourites


I like this episode and I'm glad you've made it this far with the series. Doctor Who is a tough one to tackle with so many episodes, so I'm always happy when someone makes the journey. Though I feel the same way about Buffy (Though with far less seasons, but I mean it makes me happy).


I’ve always had mixed feelings about this episode, but have come to appreciate it more upon rewatch. It does feel like a special because of the way it’s set up. My initial issue with this episode is that the doctor really didn’t do anything about an entire Dalek parliament that will most likely cause destruction in the future. I know he had no reason to, because they didn’t remember him and he was outnumbered, but he didn’t seem concerned at all. It seemed very out of character for him not to even address it. Regardless of that, it’s still enjoyable and the Oswin twist is amazing.

Jason Usher

great reaction, I love this episode, even though I called it early in the episode the Oswin Oswald Dalek twist was brilliant and her character was wonderful, also the reason The Doctor didn't put his bracelet on Amy right away because he wanted her to focus on Love so her and Rory would talk and get back together

Tammy L. Faulkner

"Run you clever boy, and remember..."💗💗💗LOVE Oswin Oswald💖💖💖


You forgot to watch Pond’s life it’s a minisode in between this. Once you’re caught up maybe you should go back and watch all the minisodes.