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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Janeka Rector

Gaius gave Pegasus Six the nuclear warhead that he got from Adama at the beginning of the show. As for Roslin, just as she’s Had prophetic dreams in the past, her memory has sharpened and she remembers seeing Gaius with Six. I think that’s all you need to know right now. Also, the Six that disappeared has not been seen since. The Six from Pegasus has only been in contact with the fleet since we met her in the last story arc.

Stephanie Bedworth

In regards to Roslin's memory of Gaius and Six, just think about the implications of that. If it's known that he knew a Six copy before the attack then why wouldn't he have said something when the other copy appeared on Galatica in the first season to accuse him of treason. He claimed to have never known or seen her before. Those two Six copies are separate. The one we have now was aboard the Pegasus since probably before the attack.


I don't know, I never understood why Gauis being with a Six before the attack had any importance at all. That Six was on Caprica, so I'm sure she was with a lot of people, as were who knows how many other Cylons...I mean, from what we've seen of Gauis, he was a womanizer, so he could just pretend that he didn't remember her. Not to mention, we are talking about the memories of a woman who was taking a medication which causes hallucinations....memories which don't prove anything illegal, or treasonous even if they were accepted as fact...and no fair court would ever accept them as fact.

Reed James

Baltar has an ego. He was expecting parise, not criticism. He's a narcisist and they need people to see them as perfect. See how he's excited to read her praise and then crumbles when he doesn't get it.

Daniel R

Gaius gave the sympathizers the nuke. I so thought you would put that together since they flashed back to that conversation earlier in the episode so things are getting heavier going forward. Such a well made drama


Yes, the Six from Season 1 ("Shelly Godfrey") was deemed a Cylon by the end of that episode, so Roslin knows what Six looks like. She now also remembers seeing Baltar making out with one right before the attack on the Colonies. And don't forget, the reason the Cylons were able to carry out their attack in the first place is because of their access to the defense mainframe...which Baltar had (and gave to them, which was straight-up treason). So Baltar not knowing Six was a Cylon at the time is kind of irrelevant with Roslin putting these pieces together. It makes him look like he's been a Cylon collaborator from the start.